So I headed west, towards the mountains and my day of exploring. And let me tell you, the little 'burb did not disappoint. Conjure an image of "small town America" in your mind, and you'll have a good idea of Mt. Airy's charm. The central thoroughfare--actually called Main Street, of course--is lined with picturesque brick storefronts, housing all kinds of shops and eateries.
And yes, the friendly lady at the Visitor's Center will cheerfully give you detailed instructions on where to find such gems as Floyd's Barber Shop, Wally's Service Station, the Mayberry Courthouse, and the Snappy Lunch counter--which she earnestly advised me closed at 1:45, so I'd better hurry if I wanted to sample their apparently famed pork chop sandwich. (I think I threw her for a loop when I kindly replied that I'm a vegetarian, so I wouldn't need to worry about that particular establishment. I'm not sure she knew what to do with that, poor thing...)

Then when I'd had my fill of yesteryear, I set the GPS for the house in which I'd rented a room for the night on AirBnB. It turned out to be a sweet little cottage-y place, tucked away on a tiny cul-de-sac just outside the city limits. What I didn't know, however, was that the host had also booked the second another couple with whom I'd be sharing the space. Oh, and she neglected to tell any of us ahead of time. So we just...bumped into each other, and introduced ourselves, and made the best of it. Um...can you say A-W-K-W-A-R-D?! (Fortunately, they're very nice, if a bit...chatty for my comfort. Also, they evidently prefer the AC set to 70, meaning that I'm currently unable to feel my fingers. So I'm just gonna hide in my room...huddled under the comforter. Siiiighhh...)
After a brief lie-down to recharge my batteries, I decided to make use of the last few hours before sunset, and figure out how to navigate to the Blue Ridge Parkway. It took a couple of tries before I was able to get Google Maps on board with the route I wanted--but it only ended up being about another 22 miles west, to jump on near the Cumberland Knob recreation area. The landscape on the way was a treat in-and-of itself, with the tree-encrusted mountains looming ever larger and more imposing, and the road winding upwards through tranquil, shady forests. But the scenic pull-offs, where you could gaze out over verdant valleys nestled up against the feet of the impassive yet somehow protective peaks? Those, my friends, were worth the price of admission, as they say. (Which was, you But you know what I'm saying, yeah?)
And with that, the sun sank lower in the evening sky, and my daylight touring window drifted shut. I journeyed back to Mt. Airy for some dinner (obtained from a supermarket, which seemed the likeliest option for success in the area, given the menus I'd glanced at earlier in the day) and a restful night of sleep, so I'll be energized for tomorrow's conclusion of the adventure. So from Andy, Opie, Barney, Aunt Bea, et. al., good night from Mayberry!
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