
*Lots more rain (Hey, at least we can work out indoors to our hearts' content now, right?)
*Me: (with extra free time while I'm unemployed, searching for the Next Big Thing). Hmm, the house could use some...sprucing up. Take the fireplace, for instance...it's totally blah. I know! I'll visit ALL the home decor stores, and wander aimlessly up and down the aisles, until I get a flash of HDTV-type inspiration...or whatever. (Eh, it's far from Joanna Gaines-worthy, but it'll do...until something better occurs to me...)
*Derek mentions during our regular Sunday conversation that it's only "2 more calls" until his Spring Break. Which struck me adorably reminiscent of the universal parental explanation to their small children in anticipation of exciting events: "X more sleeps until Santa/Disneyworld/your birthday/etc."--so it was precious to hear it from my almost-19-year-old (even if he had no idea he was being cute). Also, yay! He'll be home soon, for at least a short visit.

*However, on the plus side, the unseasonably warm temps have confused the local plant life, leading to daffodils popping up willy-nilly, dogwood trees blooming early...and a plethora of pollen. (I swear this is an annual occurrence around here, and I just want to stand outside and shout to nature at large, "No, don't do it! There's more frost coming! Seriously, haven't you learned your lesson yet? This happens Every. Single. Year!" But the green stuff just doesn't listen. And the neighbors might call the authorities on me. So never mind....)
*Then, in a flurry of...what shall we call it?...oh yeah, "water is falling from the sky for the eleventy-thousandth day in a row, and I'm both disgruntled and BORED" should cover it...I turned my energies toward....moving stuff around. As in "I miss my portable standing desk, but where can I put it? Right, it works on this end table, here! But that leaves no space for the lamp that used to be in that spot, so I can fix that by bringing up one of the pole lights from the living room. Huh, now it's dark down there, but if I take the office lamp to the Family Room, and relocate its existing light to the Living Room...voila--it's bright enough, everywhere!" (Just picture me scurrying about the house, muttering under my breath, carrying various items from one place to the other...and it'll be almost like you were present for the actual...interior design chaos...)
*Observing my rearranging/organizing/decorating behavior prompted a mildly bemused Husband to ask, "Is there any thing you're not planning on changing?" Then with a slight note of alarm in his voice he added, "My office? You're not touching that, right?" I pasted on what I hoped passed for an enigmatic smile and responded, "You're leaving on a business trip in a few days...I make no promises!" ('Cuz that's the secret to a long and happy marriage, yeah? A little bit of mystery...that could swing either toward "heartwarming surprise" or "unexpected shock" , depending on the circumstances. Keep 'em guessing, I always say! Spoiler: I've never said that before...but I think it's time to start...or possibly I'm just doing this all wrong. On the other hand, he's definitely had plenty of opportunity to get used my nonsense by now, so why change? Mwah hah hah...)
*Rain, rain, go away (repeat ad nauseum...)
(I mean, I couldn't even take any Friday Field Trips, for heaven's sake, because the weather was so freakin' uncooperative all month. Wait, it's March now...does that mean we can have Spring? Pretty please with cherry blossoms on top?)
*And finally, one more independent consultant--that would be "Riley"--had the following comment regarding my February...antics, (with a great impression of a long-suffering sigh) "Mom...you reeealllly need a job."
True dat, my son. And I am indeed working hard on it. (Ha! Sorry...) But in the meantime, I have to figure out how to be productive--after all, there are only so many trips to Whole Foods, Harris Teeter, and Target necessary to keep the house stocked. So...I haven't tackled Derek's or your bedroom yet! How about it: upgrades to the Boy Caves? Yeeeahhh...I'mma go check the job boards again, just in case...and try to stay out of trouble!
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