Why the slight misgivings, you might wonder? Well you see, I'm not what you'd call...the splash-around-without-a-care...mermaid type. I mean, I can swim...it's just that there's something about being in an open expanse of water that makes me a bit nervous. So when they informed us that you were required to take a life jacket with you, whether you chose to leave it sitting next to you or wear it, you can bet I clipped that puppy on immediately. Admittedly I felt mildly foolish...but also tons more secure...so it was clearly a worthy trade-off, for me at least.
Then I could relax about the safety issue, and focus on the more important matter at hand: figuring out what the HECK I was supposed to be doing up on that big old slab of fiberglass. Okay, let's see, here. Slide it into the shallows, fin up: check. Take it out to about knee-deep and flip it over: check. Place butt in approximate correct location (as instructed by our Fearless Leader, whose guidance was invaluable to this newbie, by the way). And now, folks, for the truly tricky step...carefully, slowly...rise to standing.

Honestly, the most difficult aspect was that I'm not naturally possessed of a set of "sea legs", if you know what I mean? Thus, in order to feel like I was firmly anchored on my floating conveyance, I found myself gripping the board with my toes, and keeping my calf and quad muscles tensed...which over time causes some serious fatigue, as you can imagine. Add to that the repetitive upper body motion of pushing the paddle through the H2O, and you have one heck of a full-body workout, my friends! Oh, and also, a SUPER-FREAKIN'-AWESOME experience.

Let me tell ya, it was an altogether delightful way to spend a Saturday morning. Bonus time with some of my favorite fitness pals...a stunningly warm and sunny late-season weather gift, introduction to a new skill, invigorating physical activity in the Great Outdoors, an abundance of fresh air and a temperate lake. Have I missed anything? Oh yeah, the greatest part of all: I. Did. NOT. Fall. In! We're already talking about our next outing, since several people who wanted to join us couldn't, due to schedule conflicts. Hopefully we'll get back out there before too long, so I retain some of what I learned, and don't have to start all over again. How about I just consider it a journey toward earning my water sports badge...one stroke at a time!
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