Saturday, November 30, 2019

Frolicking and Feasting!

In the theme of "gratitude", one thing Team WestEnders really appreciates about living in Chapel Hill is the robust health culture and Great Outdoors vibe that's constantly on display throughout the area. For a relevant seasonal example, there's not just ONE turkey-trot-type event to participate in, but rather a whole array from which you can choose, if you're inclined to start your Day of Thanks by pre-burning some of the inevitable calories to be consumed later.

Alas, the one located geographically closest to me comprises an 8K course...which is just a tad ambitious for this recreational runner. However, a couple of years ago our bootcamp leader (K) informed me of an alternate race that includes a much friendlier 5K option...and a new tradition was born. Now, in 2018 I got the whole fam to come along with me (to my slight surprise, due to the "waking up early and, you know, exercising on a day dedicated pretty much to eating...and lounging on the couch watching sports"). But this year, Riley said he didn't want to do it...Husband is still experiencing residual pain from the ankle bone he broke several months ago...and Derek obviously wasn't going to commit without his jogging buddy (that would be "Dad", NOT his brother, who's far too speedy for any of us to match).

Honestly, though, this was totally okay with me, since I knew I'd have my usual partner-in-crime--um, "fitness friend"--to keep me company. Plus, a bonus-J-pal from our workout gang decided she'd join us as well, making it an even merrier little band. And then...things got even awesomer...when K announced that she and her uncle planned to wear costumes to the shindig...and J was so inspired/enthused that she jumped on that bandwagon as well. So that meant I'd find myself hanging out with a fork and knife and spoon....basically your full complement of utensils is what I'm getting at, y'all. And...well...while I wasn't exactly inclined to deck myself out in full dress-up gear, my creative tribe motivated me to figure out some way to go with the festive mood. Which led to me happily purchasing a Fall-themed tutu for the occasion. Yep, we were gonna be quite the spectacle, folks. (And boy, was the Male Trio ecstatic...and relieved that they weren't attending, when I gleefully shared all of these shenanigans...)

So there we were on Thanksgiving morning, surrounded by the throngs of like-minded active men, women, and kids...and garnering a fair amount of attention. (Or should I say: not really ME, whose cheerful skirt went practically unnoticed next to my fabulously silver-garbed contingent!) Glancing around, I read faces full of amusement...approval...and maybe even admiration?--although to be fair, that could have been either "Wow, that's so clever!" or "Jeez, they're awfully brave to show up that way!" But the absolute BEST moment came when we'd all finished our loop, and J reported that she'd entertained herself--and others, apparently--by chasing small children with a mock-serious growl and pretending she was going to gobble them up. PRICELESS. (Yeeaahhh...I suspect this is only the beginning of what is going to become an even more elaborate collaboration in years to come...stay tuned, turkeys!)

And speaking of turkeys...and such: the guys and I tackled our Second Annual November Culinary Extravaganza, to create an evening repast worthy of both groups of pilgrims--carnivores and vegetarians, that is. Fortunately, I'd thought to record what we did last year, since we'd enjoyed the results, and it'd obviously be easier just to recreate the magic, as it were. This meant a Butterball breast rather than a whole bird, gluten-free stuffing we could ALL partake of, the standard mashed potatoes, and two varieties of cranberry sauce (because the dudes utterly reject the idea of--heaven forbid--whole berries in their canned fruit product). Since I don't actually consume most of these items, I made a serving of roasted Brussels sprouts for myself. I did incidentally offer to cook them for everyone else as well, but they feigned horror at the notion of slipping a bona fide vegetable dish in amidst the carbo-palooza, so the green stuff was all mine. (Whoo hoo!)

The only hiccup in the proceedings centered around the aforementioned stuffing, for which I (lazily) wanted to buy a pre-packaged mix to speed up and simplify the assembly. However, the Big Three stores that I typically rely on--that would be Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Weaver Street Market, our local co-op--all either failed to stock, or had run out of, such a product this year. Inconceivable! (And yes, it does absolutely mean what I think it means. So there!) Thus I was forced to improvise...looking up a recipe online, obtaining an actual loaf of non-wheat bread...and then cutting it into cubes and toasting it myself. Sheesh! No, really, I have to admit that not only wasn't it difficult at all, it also turned out super-tasty in the end (and...appealingly rustic? Sure, we'll go with the Cooking Channel buzzword, yeah?). Besides, everyone else gave it a thumbs-up as well, so we're gonna go ahead and call that a WIN.

And that's about it for TG 2019. After that, it was all post-meal-coma and chilling in front of the TV for our household. It was a lovely way to kick off the holiday let's cue up some fa la la tunes, dig out those yule decorations...and think about getting back to some light salads...tomorrow!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Pre-TG Happenings

November, fleeting and yet so....nope, just that. I can't pretend to have any idea how we've come to find ourselves in the waning days of Turkey Month (or, you know, the vegetarian equivalent), and yet here we are. So let's do a recap of some recent highlights for Team WestEnders, shall we?

In between receiving the offer for my new job and actually starting, I used some of my dwindling free time to visit a much anticipated, long awaited addition to downtown: a delightful entity called Epilogue. In this case, I won't try to improve upon their own words, so here's how they describe themselves on their website: "an independent bookstore and Spanish-style chocolatería that aims to foster community in the heart of Chapel Hill. It is a place for people to gather, whether to cultivate new ideas, learn old ones, or escape into the welcoming atmosphere that books, chocolate, beer, and coffee all provide." Um...YES, PLEASE...ALL OF THESE THINGS! 

The day I checked them out, business seemed to be bustling, with a line at the counter to order bevs and treats, people wandering the shelves perusing the available titles, and even groups congregating in the seating area for meetups. I procured my brew (some kind of Mexican latte concoction that was delicious...and tongue-tingling-ly spicy, as advertised!), then made my way into the section of used volumes, to see what I could find. I sipped my java and lost myself in blissful browsing for a while...until it occurred to me that I had neglected to snap a picture. (Horrors!) 

This turned out to be a fabulous idea, because my camera happened to capture the owner of the fine establishment, manning the register and chatting with a customer. I discovered this when I went over to explain why I was taking the photo (free publicity on social media!). He introduced himself and told me a few fun tidbits about the shop, including the fact that there are approximately 8,000 page-turners already on display...and he has an estimated 22,000 more at home waiting to be organized and brought in to sell! More awesome things to read = super-happy campers! I made off with a small stack of prizes, and am already looking forward to when I finish them and can head back for more. This could be dangerous...but also educational...entertaining...and enlightening? Yeah, it's definitely a WIN, y'all!

As for Riley, 11th grade continues apace, and he's embroiled in all the activities thereof. These include cramming in practice driving excursions whenever schedules permit--it's actually helpful now that it gets dark so early (go figure!) since he still needs to amass those elusive "nighttime hours". He's about 10 away from the required amount for his full license, so we can almost glimpse the finish line. Meanwhile, he's dedicating study time to prepping for the SAT, which he's taking in a few weeks. On a related note, there's been a mild, expected uptick in the college advertisement mail since he completed the ACT in last month, the most amusing--and impressive--of which came from the University of Chicago. Now, he has no intention whatsoever of attending their venerable institution...but we had to give them mad props for that lovely poster! It's almost a shame it's too far away...and COLD...for Riley to consider--ha!

And finally, the college dude is returning to the nest for the holiday, of course--on a slightly...unusual schedule. You see, the university gives students Wednesday through Friday to travel home and spend quality time with their beloved fams. As a bonus, some of his teachers went ahead and cancelled sessions that would have met earlier in the week...which left him with the option of remaining on campus for ONE class, or bailing on Sunday and savoring the extra days in NC. He assured me that he hasn't skipped all semester, and that he would check with his professors to make sure he wouldn't be missing anything important, so I trusted him to be a responsible adult about it...and stroll in over the weekend....yay! 

Besides, we already know--because he told us a YEAR ago--that he'll also be headed back to Columbia on the early side at the end of the break...for a football game. (Raise your hand if you're Me neither....siiiiighhhh....) Yes, I'm well aware that it's Rivalry Week, and UofSC faces off against Clemson, their Palmetto State enemy, blah blah blah. At least we get him for a solid 4-day stretch, to catch up, EAT, and enjoy each other's company. We'll take it, for sure!

And there you have it, November in a Nutshell. Peace out for now--see you peeps on the other side of the feast!

Sunday, November 17, 2019


As we (oh so rapidly) approach Thanksgiving, things in Casa WestEnders have settled into their Fall rhythm (because let's face it, with the possible exception of Husband, the fam basically operates on an academic schedule for all intents and purposes). For me, the routine feels a lot more...normal, for lack of a better 2019 than it did last year, when I was still adjusting to having Derek away at college, and the house didn't feel quite right yet, with one of the squad missing on a daily basis. But by now, the (usually lengthy) Sunday afternoon phone call is well-established. And in between these catch-up sessions, there are the mid-week electronic exchanges about random stuff, which serve the dual purpose of  keeping us from missing him too much...and periodically reminding us what a big gooberhead we sent off to SC.

Sometimes one of us will touch base (Ha! Sorry, that was unintentional...) about a topic of interest to us both, like the World Series, for example. (See left)

To me, this is long-distance Mother/Son bonding at its best; not only do I get some bonus chit chat...but it allows me continued access to my own personal sports analyst, so that has to be considered a Win-Win!

And then there are the precious instances when he chooses to reach out with something he knows will amuse me, such as him and his friends dressed up for Halloween. Keep in mind, this was after he vehemently denied he'd be participating in the costume-related shenanigans his buddies were encouraging him to join--which made it even more hilarious. You see, the young man on the left side of the photo is supposed to be Derek, and vice versa. If you happen to be acquainted with my child, you recognize that this just...well, NAILS it. Meanwhile, if I hadn't given birth to him, I wouldn't even believe this was Derek, wearing articles of clothing that have NEVER appeared on his person before (Athleisure sneakers? Flannel? Nuh-uh. And he seriously hasn't owned a pair of jeans since he was, oh, about 8!) I have to hand it to them: when these boys put their minds to it, they're impressively creative! Here's hoping they continue to (at least mostly) use their talents for good...

Now, I will admit that occasionally his confusing messages make me question just what the HECK my beloved offspring is thinking...or whether he's actually being sincere. (See right) I mean...we DID complete that Disney binge this past Summer, where we watched all the animated classics we could record for free, scrounge from the library, or rent from a streaming service. Plus, he made sure to point out that it includes the entire Marvel catalogue, and we're total superhero maybe he actually does have a point. Yeah, but then he described himself and one of his pals as..."Disney hypebeasts" he lost me to hysterical laughter and that was the end of it. Whew! That was a close one!

Aaannd, once in a while there's one that causes Parental Heart Failure, followed closely by Righteous Indignation...accompanied by Threats of Well-Deserved Repercussions. I'm referring to terrifying conversation starters like the one on the right. It was fortunate that I happened to be sitting next to my phone at the time, so I could read it...take a deep breath...ponder for a few beats...and come to the conclusion that it didn't sound at all typical of my low-key, non-dramatic son.

Besides, he also knows better by now (I think) than to send his mother such a potentially inflammatory text--all of which flew through my head in about 30 seconds, permitting me to compose my subsequent calm, rational, neutral response. Until I found out it was his amigo, stirring up which point the aforementioned "consequences" came into play. I'm sure Ryan figured he was being a real hoot...but lemme tell ya, next time I see that dude, he'll be the recipient of my most ferocious Mom Glare...along with perhaps a brief but passionate lecture in "why it's in your best interests to NOT aggravate your future roommate's parents". Sheesh...

However, all was forgiven, when this little chat concluded with the promised picture...of Derek's appears to be a horrific bruise of some kind? He assured me that is indeed the ill-fated temporary tattoo...which evidently isn't at ALL effective when applied through copious amounts of leg hair. But this is reportedly where Ryan insisted he attempt to place it, so what can you do, right? Oh, and if you were wondering, it supposed to be Kristoff and Sven. And he obtained it from a cereal box, so that actually explains a lot...

And there you have it...silly interactions with ridiculous young men, Part 9,000 (or so). Obviously, it pleases me to no end that even though he's all-but-grown-up now, we can still share these moments. eldest does enjoy reading his own press, if you will, so it's nice to be able to throw a random Derek-centric post into the mix, to keep him entertained (along with at least one of his NC gang who tunes in every so often to catch up, much to my delight). Because if we can't laugh at...I mean "with"...our children, what's the point of having them, amiright? (Or...something like that? Am I close? Eh, whatever...) Anyway, you're welcome...all!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

I have an ID card--it must be official?!

Sooo, just finished my inaugural week at a new job after a long hiatus, and the first thing I've gotta tell you, I'm seriously out of shape, y'all! Not in an athletic way, mind you, since I've had plenty of time to keep up with exercise in of leisure. More like needing to rebuild the stamina required to wake up at a prescribed time, (*prepare and imbibe coffee*), select and don an office-appropriate outfit, apply a business-ready face, wrangle the hair into compliance, exit the house in a punctual fashion...and then spend hours being, you know, "productive". It's a LOT, folks! (I'm joking, of course; I know I'm preaching to the proverbial choir, here, because all of you are out there killin' it every let me just say, you're doing great, keep up the good work!)

Now, part of the issue was that for the first 2 days, I was scheduled for mandatory orientation sessions beginning at 8:30. (NOT my favorite--or most bright-eyed-and-bushy-tailed--start-time, given a choice. Alas, no one asked me for my input...) Monday's marathon kicked off with the UNC half-day version of "everything you ever wanted and/or needed to know about the institution itself, plus lots of HR-type information that you may or may not remember 5 minutes from now, since it's an overwhelming amount of...stuff".

(Not to worry--they were also super-diligent about providing the online location of everything they discussed, so once our brains filled up and shut down, we'd still be able to retrieve the important details later, when we'd actually find them useful!) This was followed by another presentation in the afternoon, specific to the School of Medicine, and focusing on more tech-related topics like network access and security, email setup, timesheet entry, and whatnot.

Whew--that was exhausting...and also quite a shock to the system already, compared to my prior  onboarding experience, which must have taken, oh, about 15 minutes for the tiny self-contained non-profit! (Okay, I'm probably exaggerating...though I do honestly recall it being brief and uncomplicated...) But wait, there's MORE...on Tuesday (after first visiting the Public Safety division to obtain my official parking permit--yay! At 8 a.m. Boo!) I got to show up at my actual workplace, for an official introduction to the building where I'd be setting up shop, so to speak. This was given by the man in charge of programs and operations, and included both me and the other new employee joining the staff at the same time (a research scientist whom I coincidentally met at the previous day's shindig).

We went over what you'd expect: a thorough description of the department's structure and function, as well as essential policies and procedures. And then...the Grand which I must have been presented to, I don't know, it seemed like at least 50 people, although I can't be entirely sure...I guess let's just go with "a whole lotta colleagues" and leave it at that. My head was seriously swimming by the end, and I'm not gonna remember half their names until I've met them several more time...but everyone seemed lovely!

Ay yi yi...where are we now? Oh yeah, Wednesday. I had permission to show up at 9 (Whoo hoo! I don't know exactly why, but what a difference that half-hour makes...) for a quick confab with IT to get my computer running properly, then a longer chat with one of the aforementioned delightful coworkers I'll be directly supporting in my endeavors. She went over lots of the nitty gritty specifics about what I'll be doing not only on a daily basis, but also in the course of each academic year. So, with all of the data trickling in from various sources, I'm slowly forming a picture of what my position will look like and how it will function. Good times.

Thursday I was not expected to put in an appearance, because my presence was requested again on Friday morning. That's one quirky aspect of my role: it's budgeted for an exact number of hours a week, and I'm required to log that many--no more or less. Thus there was some impromptu adding on Wednesday to see where I stood, and determine how long I could come in for on the last day of the week. (Fun math! LOL...)

It turned out that I was available for about a half-day, so I was able to attend the 8 a.m. meeting (again with the crack of least as far as MY body clock goes--sheesh!) I was supposed to observe--as well as clean out, organize, and set up my cubicle the way I wanted it. I mean, scrounging around in the supply closet for sticky notes and pens and such, stocking one of my desk drawers with my secret stash of healthy snacks, scoping out where to best display a couple of family know the drill. (And it was oh so satisfying, I'm not gonna lie...) All too soon, though, 12:30 rolled around and I had to skedaddle, after fulfilling my quota for Week 1.

All kidding aside, it felt like a solid first week back in the old Rat Race, if you will. Moving forward, I should be able to set a pretty regular schedule....without having to include early mornings, for the most part, which is a goshdarn blessing. And I'll be learning on-the-go about what my duties will be, and how to perform them, so I'm looking forward to that being interesting and stimulating. In short, I'm grateful to have been chosen for this opportunity, thrilled to be kicking off a new adventure, and excited for what's to come. Here goes nothin'!