As we (oh so rapidly) approach Thanksgiving, things in Casa WestEnders have settled into their
Fall rhythm (because let's face it, with the possible exception of Husband, the fam basically operates on an academic schedule for all intents and purposes). For me, the routine feels a lot more...normal, for lack of a better 2019 than it did last year, when I was still adjusting to having Derek away at college, and the house didn't feel quite right yet, with one of the squad missing on a daily basis. But by now, the (usually lengthy) Sunday afternoon
phone call is well-established. And in between these catch-up sessions, there are the mid-week
electronic exchanges about random stuff, which serve the dual purpose of keeping us from
missing him too much...and periodically reminding us what a big
gooberhead we sent off to SC.

Sometimes one of us will touch base (Ha! Sorry, that was unintentional...) about a topic of interest to us both, like the World Series, for example. (See left)
To me, this is long-distance Mother/Son bonding at its best; not only do I get some
bonus chit chat...but it allows me continued access to my own personal
sports analyst, so that has to be considered a Win-Win!

And then there are the precious instances when he chooses to reach out with something he knows will
amuse me, such as him and his friends dressed up for Halloween. Keep in mind, this was after he
vehemently denied he'd be participating in the
costume-related shenanigans his buddies were encouraging him to join--which made it even more hilarious. You see, the young man on the left side of the photo is supposed to be Derek, and vice versa. If you happen to be acquainted with my child, you recognize that this just...well, NAILS it. Meanwhile, if I hadn't
given birth to him, I wouldn't even
believe this was Derek, wearing articles of clothing that have NEVER appeared on his person before (Athleisure sneakers? Flannel? Nuh-uh. And he seriously hasn't owned a pair of
jeans since he was, oh, about 8!) I have to hand it to them: when these boys put their minds to it, they're impressively creative! Here's hoping they continue to (at least mostly) use their talents for

Now, I will admit that occasionally his
confusing messages make me question just what the HECK my beloved offspring is
thinking...or whether he's actually being
sincere. (See right) I mean...we DID complete that
Disney binge this past Summer, where we watched all the animated classics we could record for free, scrounge from the library, or rent from a streaming service. Plus, he made sure to point out that it includes the entire
Marvel catalogue, and we're total superhero maybe he actually
does have a point. Yeah, but then he described himself and one of his pals as..."
Disney hypebeasts" he lost me to hysterical laughter and that was the end of it. Whew! That was a close one!

Aaannd, once in a while there's one that causes
Parental Heart Failure, followed closely by
Righteous Indignation...accompanied by
Threats of Well-Deserved Repercussions. I'm referring to terrifying conversation starters like the one on the right. It was fortunate that I happened to be sitting next to my phone at the time, so I could read it...take a deep breath...ponder for a few beats...and come to the conclusion that it didn't sound
at all typical of my low-key, non-dramatic son.
Besides, he also
knows better by now (I think) than to send his mother such a potentially
inflammatory text--all of which flew through my head in about 30 seconds, permitting me to compose my subsequent calm, rational, neutral response. Until I found out it was his amigo,
stirring up which point the aforementioned "consequences" came into play. I'm sure Ryan figured he was being a real
hoot...but lemme tell ya, next time I see that dude, he'll be the recipient of my most ferocious
Mom Glare...along with perhaps a brief but passionate lecture in "why it's in your best interests to NOT aggravate your future roommate's parents".

However, all was forgiven, when this little chat concluded with the promised picture...of Derek's appears to be a
horrific bruise of some kind? He assured me that is indeed the ill-fated
temporary tattoo...which evidently isn't at ALL effective when applied through copious amounts of
leg hair. But this is reportedly where Ryan insisted he attempt to place it, so what can you do, right? Oh, and if you were wondering, it
supposed to be Kristoff and Sven. And he obtained it from a
cereal box, so that actually explains a lot...
And there you have it...
silly interactions with
ridiculous young men,
Part 9,000 (or so). Obviously, it pleases me to no end that even though he's all-but-grown-up now, we can still share these moments. eldest
does enjoy reading his own
press, if you will, so it's nice to be able to throw a random
Derek-centric post into the mix, to keep him
entertained (along with at least one of his NC gang who tunes in every so often to catch up, much to my delight). Because if we can't
laugh at...I mean "
children, what's the point of
having them, amiright? (Or...something like that? Am I close? Eh, whatever...) Anyway,
you're welcome...all!
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