Each year I try to take their suggestions (which are meager, and hard-won) and add a few educated guesses to the mix. So, Derek's asks included: he'd recently developed a hole in his UofSC hoodie and could use a replacement (that's an easy one--check); he didn't own any UNC gear, and felt it was time to represent the home turf...while prowling the grounds of the OTHER Carolina (amusing, and also simple to achieve--check check); and the customary updated version of the FIFA video game he enjoys playing in his leisure time (done, and done!). Then to add a couple of surprises--even if they're more practical rather than...whimsical...now that he's basically an adult--I threw in a beard trimming ensemble (hey, if he's gonna keep that thing, it might as well be groomed, yeah?) and a silicone mat for cooking in his apartment (which he and Husband had tried to find in Columbia at the beginning of the school year, without success). One carefully selected Ramses t-shirt from his sibling rounded out his haul rather nicely.
Then there's Riley, who tends to be even more challenging, since he usually struggles to come up with any concrete guidance for the Shopping Fairy (just one of my many esteemed titles...one of these days I'm really going to have to demand tiaras for each of these jobs. That'll make it seem soooo much more important...and less like a chore. Right? Eh, one can dream...). A 30-ounce insulated cup for smoothies (Target, breezy), wireless headphones for running (same kind I have, re-order a different color on Amazon, BOOM)...and a home-gym-thingie which, as it turns out, while ordered on the 15th, won't be delivered until the 27th...oy! My extra, stealthy purchases comprised a fresh Fleet Feet hat (to retire the previous version, which is covered in salty sweat stains and held together with duct tape), a lightweight workout shirt, and a blender for concocting the frothy breakfast drinks he likes to make on weekends. Thus his brother decided to add protein powder as his contribution...which is when I realized that absolutely all of Riley's items fell into the health/fitness category...which is so on-brand, it's actually a wee bit scary.

Next up: Husband, who requested exactly one thing: new frying pans. (I. Am. NOT. Kidding.) You see, in an attempt to get away from Teflon and move toward supposedly safer, more environmentally friendly and less chemical cookware, I'd invested in the ceramic-coated kind, not too long ago. But Husband had somehow managed to gunk up them up, before we knew that the gentler surface also requires special handling, so we needed to start over. (Live and learn? Sure...and this time, read the manuals!) And of course, in what has become a highly anticipated top-secret field trip, the boys and I head to Whole Foods to compile a junk food smorgasbord full of unusual, interesting edibles...such as lamb jerky (I know, right? But it's not for me, so whatevs!), barbeque potato chips (standard), a salty snack mix, and a variety of pretzels that bills itself as "the official pretzels of beer". (Seriously, how could we NOT?) Derek threw in a Gamecocks t-shirt for good measure, and that was that.
Finally, we have yours truly, whose Wish List was also modest. I mean, you'd think it'd be the easiest thing in the whole wide world to obtain a pair of slippers...wouldn't you? Evidently this is not true, when young men are assigned the errand. I learned later that it took an extended trek through Kohl's...in which by their own admission they gave up rather quickly and were distracted instead by some massage chairs that they just had to test out...where they were utterly thwarted until running into a neighbor who, upon hearing their sad plight, offered them a 20% off Bed Bath and Beyond coupon to try their luck in another venue. (Thanks, D! You saved the day!) There the intrepid elves--um "teenagers"--reportedly located the only set of fuzzy footwear they could get their hands on, triumphantly paid for them, and the way they tell it, at least, managed to escape the terrifying Realm of Housewares relatively unscathed. And then bragged repeatedly about how they paid SIX DOLLARS for my...Men's...Size Medium...slippers. I can't even, with these Big. Honking. Gooberheads.
Meanwhile, Husband provided me with the warm socks I wanted, but couldn't resist choosing the Farm to Feet style....which honestly makes sense for me, so no complaints here. He threw in a National Parks guidebook, sure to come in super-handy for future vacation planning. And then we have the phantom packages: the ones Derek and Husband assure me are on their way from points distant, but due to shipping snafus have yet to arrive. So apparently I get to experience some additional suspense...along with an unusually celebratory New Year's. Sparkling cider! Plainly wrapped boxes in the mail! Whoo hoo!
And there you have it: a final cool Yule of the decade with my boys. Tomorrow we're traveling to Maryland to spend quality time with our northern friends and fam. So for now, wishing you and yours peace, love, and joy to finish out 2019!
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