Thursday, February 13, 2020

Working on my chill (spoiler alert: I have a loooong way to go!)

So, it's been a minute (or, you know, "5 years"…yikes!) since I showed my face--or the rest of my creaky middle-aged body, for that matter--in a yoga studio. Initially I had to stop going when my left hand started acting up, such that putting any weight on it, like in the downward dog pose, for example, caused me agonizing pain. (Very much NOT what you’re seeking in an activity that’s supposed to enhance one’s overall sense of calm, centeredness, and physical well-being, amiright?) And unfortunately, right on the heels of that issue, other body parts started clamoring for attention…luckily only one at a time, but it was still enough…internal complaining…that I didn’t feel like I was going to benefit from trying to go back.

But hey, for whatever reason, the new year ushered in a fresh burst of optimism. So even though I’ve accepted that at my age there will probably always be some random joint or muscle or whatever giving me grief, I figured what the heck, let's give it another shot. (I mean, what’s the worst that could happen--it hurts and I need to quietly excuse myself? Eh, I’m also old enough to be beyond embarrassment about these kinds of things, so can live with that…)

Now, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t prepared to do anything crazy-pants, like sign up for an entire series of classes. (Because that’s me: breezy, plan-less, no-commitment chick, right? Ha! Never mind…) Instead I checked local businesses for drop-in prices. (And let me tell ya, folks, there are a plethora of options around here. Sheesh, you can’t swing the proverbial stick without hitting a wellness-related establishment of some kind…’cuz apparently, that’s just how we roll in Chapelboro, y’all…)

I found a couple of intriguing sessions, where you either paid a flat $5 fee (perfect for “testing the waters”, so to speak), or offered a donation of your choosing, with the suggested amount being $5-$20. I registered for the less expensive Community Class, which according to the website would be taught by an instructor-in-training (hence the reduced cost, I’m sure). I decided that, given my own potential…complications…that could crop up during the lesson, I was totally okay being a guinea pig for someone else to hone their technique on…or what have you. After all, it’s yoga, for crying out loud—how bad could it be?

 So I dusted off my mat (literally, since it’s been spending the long interval away from its true purpose by acting as a…tushie cushioner…during bootcamp, outside on the grass or a gritty basketball court) and showed up for the evening hour of zen. Our leader first shared that her theme for the practice would be: showing some love for…your feet! Seriously….could it BE more perfect? (Thanks, universe, I get it--I’m supposed to be here…)  

We began by sitting cross-legged....weeeeell, in theory, at least, because I quickly discovered that was gonna be a HARD PASS, as the hips were vehemently making it known that they were having none of it. Ohhhhkaaay, then…not such an auspicious start, but moving on to the next…oh, hello, knees, how YOU doin’? They, also, had many things to say, which went something along the lines of, “Ow! Not cool! What is this torture? We hate this! What'd we ever do to YOU?" (I swear, they're sooooo melodramatic...) Aaannnnnd, this was quickly followed by "A pleasant good evening to you, shoulders!" who replied in a similar vein "What. Is. The. Meaning of This? Dislike, Dislike! Cut it out right now!"

So yeah, there was…all of THAT.  Meanwhile, I’d instigated a silent dialogue with…all of the protesting parts, in which I admonished them “Shut up, we're stretching! It's helpful and necessary for flexibility and good health, and blah blah blah. Get with the program!” (What, everyone engages in internal shouting matches with their recalcitrant appendages, right? It's totally normal! Mmm…let's go with that...thanks for playing along...)

Although this was not as distracting as you might imagine (probably because I talk to myself all the time, so I’m used to it…wait, does that make me sound weird? Oh well…) I still found myself struggling with some aspects of the poses…such as “balance”. This was disturbing to me because when I used to incorporate yoga regularly into my life, I enjoyed (but probably took for granted, to be honest) a pretty good sense of equilibrium. However, I must dejectedly report: that’s pfffft, GONE…yet hopefully only temporarily? Memo to me: start working on building it back up, stat!

And then of course there’s all the (attempted) reaching of...things. Or…ahem..not so much. (Actual translation: hahahahaha  you want me to put my hand where? Nice try, lady. Let's try something else, shall we?) In short, I'm not as limber as I believed I was...even with what I thought were realistic expectations…siiighhh (Yeah, yeah, I suppose that happens when you're lazy about incorporating the bending and whatnot into your daily routine. Who knew? Right…absolutely everyone…my bad…)

Returning to the tootsies that were meant to be the focus of this endeavor, the movements seemed to aggravate ye olde plantar fasciitis, but I'm hoping that's a transitional side effect and will fade back into the background over time if I resolve to make this a weekly event. BUT, with all that being said, I’d definitely deem it a positive experience, overall. And I strongly felt could eventually lead to restoring some of that erstwhile grace and flexibility that I didn't even realize I was missing…but now am motivated to replenish!

So to sum up: tomorrow I do expect to be sore…in various hot spots. And then, I'll plan to do it all again next week, and see what happens from there. Nama…staytuned! (Sorry!)

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