Remember oh-so-long ago
(you know, like “2 whole weeks”) when I was lamenting the fact that in terms of
health crises, "one occurrence can be considered a fluke, twice constitutes
an alarming trend"? (I love quoting myself, as if I'm some kind of
expert!) Well, under those parameters, it seems Riley's new "Fall thing" is going to be: Attack of the Wheezing. It happened
last year--on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, which I wouldn't have recalled, until
he adamantly reminded me, irrefutably proving just how much of a traumatic
imprint it made on his memory. Now, that
one was downright scary, as he
struggled to breathe and we whisked him to the Emergency Room, where they
medicated him and gave him breathing treatments to loosen up the gunk and open
the passageways. Fortunately he responded immediately to the intervention, and
continued to improve over the next several days. Since he'd never experienced
any kind of lung issues before, we chalked it up to "random virus" and thought we'd never have to deal with it
again. (Ha! Jinxed ourselves…) However, after you’ve used a nebulizer machine, with the mask
that goes over your face, they naturally give it to you to bring home. At the
time, I looked blankly at the nurse when she held the box out to me, wondering
"what the heck am I going to do with this contraption?" But, being
the hyper-organized person that I am, I made sure the directions and all the
parts were safely tucked in, and placed the whole thing in the Storage Room
downstairs…where it would hopefully never be touched again.
And it really seemed that we were home free. We were
cruising along, healthy except for the day-to-day allergy issues that are
completely manageable (with OTC meds, that is), all the way to...September…again. (Sigh. At least it was
two weeks after Labor Day this time,
that counts for something, right?) One night Riley started coughing
heavily, sounding congested and uncomfortable. In the morning, although his
symptoms were nowhere near as bad as
they were during last year’s episode, Husband and I just…didn’t like something
about the sound of his breathing. (You know, Dr. Mom and PA Dad, the undisputed
team of experts…at least in this
house…) So we made the decision to keep him out of his soccer game (gasp!) and
drag him to the (real) pediatrician instead. And whaddya know, she agreed with
us—that although it wasn’t severe, there was some “tightness” in his chest, and
nebulizer therapy would most likely alleviate it.
Well, good thing I
carefully packed up the machine last year, yeah? When I went to retrieve it
from the basement, I found even better news: not only had I stored all of the
necessary pieces, but I’d kept the leftover Albuterol
as well--no need to even fill the new prescription. This time we felt like old
pros hooking up the apparatus and administering the solution…and once more the
procedure eased Riley’s upper-respiratory distress. So what have we learned
from this repeated sequence of events? First of all, Riley—although he’s never
tested positive for a ragweed allergy--is
evidently sensitive to the stuff, at least when it’s at peak production and
swirling madly around outside our neighborhood. More importantly, next year we’re
commencing a preventative extra-strength
allergy drug regimen in August, and crossing our fingers that it keeps the
stupid pollen dust at bay without having to resort to steroidal solutions. For
now, everyone’s breathing easier (literally AND metaphorically) and looking
forward to the more pleasing aspects of the Fall season, like cooler
temperatures, colorful leaves, and crisp apples. We’re definitely not allergic
to any of these!
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