Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Two Weeks Down...34 to Go

Today for the first time it actually feels like Fall. (I've also lived in this region long enough to realize this is only a temporary teaser, and we surely have more hot and humid days ahead before we slide into the true Autumn season. But I'll take it anyway!) In fact, when we all climbed out from beneath the covers this morning (yes, blankets!) the thermometer only registered 55 chilly degrees, prompting my warm-blooded children to resort to sweatshirts for the bus-stop walk. (I know: gasp! These are the same boys who try to get away with wearing shorts until Christmas, so this counted as quite a noteworthy Fashion Event in our house.) The nippy air instantly put me in the mood for pumpkins...perched on our porch, baked into muffins, stirred into lattes, infused into ales...mmmmm. It also prompted me to reflect on our "unofficial Fall", which of course kicks off with the school year, rather than when the calendar indicates the Equinox.

Let's start with Derek, my 7th-grader, whose gargantuan feet now measure about two sizes beyond mind, and who can look me directly in the eyes when standing nose-to-nose. (He does this on purpose, too, inching right up to me until I shove him away with the threat "Remember, I can still send you to your room!") Even more...interesting? Disturbing? Freaking-Mom-the-heck-out? is the fact that people have begun to mention that the pitch of his voice sounds lower. In fact, at his soccer game on Saturday a fellow parent who has known him for years glanced at him out on the field and commented, "Wow, Derek looks like a man these days, not a boy any more!" (Part of me agreed and thought "Yeah, pretty cool!" The other part went: "But that's my baby! Waaaahhhh!") Later in the game, this other mom also watched Derek dribbling smoothly down the field, controlling the ball gracefully, almost gliding across the grass, and turned to me to marvel, "It amazes me that he never went through an 'awkward phase'!" (Me: Hahahahahahahaha!) I had to regale her with real-life stories of our admittedly strong, fluid athlete...who routinely trips up the stairs...bangs his elbows into doorways...tumbles over furniture... Thus the background noise at home often includes: BAM. "Ow!" [pause, chuckle] "I'm okay!" [Followed by an explanation of what exactly he ran into/knocked over/fell on. He may be bruised, but his sense of humor and unselfconsciousness blessedly remain intact.] So it would seem he saves his most impressive physical feats to display in grassy areas with spectators--and gets all of his klutzy moments out of his system with his family. But even with all of this rapid growing and maturing and whatnot, this year he’s still been asking me for help with his homework. (LOVE that!) Especially since he's started taking Espanol, he'll inform me that "we need to have a conversation after dinner." This normally consists of something along these lines: "Hola." ("Hola") "Como estas?" ("Muy bien, y tu?") "Okay, that's all I've studied so far!"

Then there's Riley, tackling 4th-grade. Ever a study in contrasts, he reads Young Adult level books...while holding a stuffed frog for security and companionship. Just when I think my Boo Boo's moving forward on his own, I get a confession like "I almost cried in school today." My first reaction--"What? You're 9, dude, get a grip!"--was decidedly unhelpful and unsympathetic, so fortunately I stifled it and instead allowed him to share more of his thoughts on the subject. Being Riley, he naturally had a logical explanation, "It's because I was with you so much this Summer, and now I miss you while I'm in class all day." Awwww! Of course I reminded him that we all have our "jobs" and we'll be together in a few short hours, blah blah blah. (Oh, and also if you did stay home with Mom, you'd find out very quickly that it's not all snacks and television and games...more like Target and Giant and laundry...trust me, school is much more fun...hey, maybe I should come hang out in your life!) Then we reinstated our successful solution from last year, whereby he carries a small token in his pocket to remind him of home. After considering several options, he chose a keychain he bought on our vacation, "to remember the good times we had in Mexico." So far he reports that it's working, so we'll keep our fingers crossed that more drastic measures are not required (I don't even know what those would be--Mom visitations in the middle of the day? Home schooling? Heaven forbid! A nice souvenir should do the trick...) But then…he totally surprised us by pushing for his very first sleepover with one of his best friends from school...at his friend's house...all night...without Mom and Dad...suffice it to say we were braced for a late phone call of either reassurance or "come get me I've had enough". We waited, but it didn’t happen. He was apparently happy as a clam to hang out with some other family for the night. When I asked him the next day if he'd missed us he shrugged and said, "not really." Progress! Baby steps! Maybe by next Summer he'll be ready for sleepaway camp after all...

So that's the early-September scoop. Soccer, school, sleepovers--what other s-words can we fit in this month? For right now, with the nice cool temperature and earlier nightfall, it's going to be: sleep (zzzzzzz)! 

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