And they were not lying, I'm very pleased to report--but there's a whole other side to the story. You see, our soccer-playing children are already at this point in full action-mode. Derek, in fact, began practicing around Thanksgiving and--with a several-week hiatus for the holidays--has been going on all cylinders ever since. His initial game of the "Spring season" happened the first weekend in February...not a month known for its...favorable conditions, shall we say? (Yeah, I left that game at halftime, seeing as how I could no longer feel...various body parts...and had reached the limits of my spectator tolerance...) And then, right around that time, Riley's team began workouts as well.
And while things are undoubtedly muuuuuch nicer in the Great Outdoors these days, I still was forced to borrow Husband's "emergency sweater" that he keeps in the car in case of a situation where he gets stranded on a cold night, or something. (Thankfully, he's never needed it--but boy, it totally saved me! He bought the thing in Ireland...on our honeymoon almost 18 years ago, and never wears it because of the itchy...woolness factor. But let me tell ya, when I tossed it over the 2 shirts I already had on...I was so jealous of the oversized...blanket-like-quality of it, that I went on Amazon and found my own. Now, I've most likely missed my opportunity for it to help me out this season, but at least I'll be ready for the Fall, right? Some folks have flares and jumper cables...we have pullovers. It's a different kind of preparedness, y'all. Don't judge...)
So, this week the mercury has taken a delightful little jump into the 70s, making all of us quite giddy with Spring Fever. However, it also led to the following conversation between Derek and me a few mornings ago:
D: (standing by the garage door, ready to exit for the walk to the bus stop) "Going to school without a jacket for the first time in a
while. Feels good!"
Me: "Yeaaaaah...I’m probably still going to wear a sweater."
D: (mouth falls open, expression a mixture of flabbergasted and
amused) "Mom! You’ve gotta be kidding me! And long pants? What’s up with that!"
Me: (stating the obvious to the teenager, adding an appropriate amount of sarcasm) "Um…I’m going to work, you know. They tend to appreciate it when one wears pants."
D: (with a glimmer of comprehension) "Riiiiight...but…how warm does it have to be for you to put on shorts, anyway?
Me: (somewhat sheepishly) "Oh…around 75."
D: speechless, shaking his head...
Me: "Hey, I’m…delicate!"
Postscript: when he arrived home in the afternoon, he applauded me (literally, with the ironic slow clap--smart aleck) for having changed
into shorts...although I still had a light jacket over my tee shirt. What can I say--the rule is entirely different for arms! (80
is a safe bet, in case you were wondering...)
On a quasi-related note, it always aggravated me that, for the entire duration of the utterly improperly-named "Spring Semester" at the community college where I interpreted, I felt unable to pull the trigger, so to speak, on donning sandals or even something capri pants. Chilly toes and ankles are just not something I want to deal with, okay, people? And then, today...the forecast threw out a wild prediction of 81* for a high...and I still couldn't quite make the "bare legs" call for the office.
Nope, that was me, in a skirt...with semi-open shoes...and tights. (Sigh...) Yeah...I just can't quite overcome the fact that it's MARCH. Also, concrete evidence in my defense (since, you know, I work with a bunch of research scientists now, and they appreciate that sort of thing): our suite's thermostat is set to 72, which clearly falls below the cutoff for my "uncovering...stuff" guidelines. So, just call me the Queen of Layers--wait, on second thought, that's a terrible title, don't do that. Hmm...ooooh, I know! The Countess of Cardigans! BOOM!
Whew! Sorry about that--it seems that the pollen is reeeaaallly getting to me, and I'd better go...I don't know...get some iced tea, or lie down for a while, or what have you. Oh, and perhaps add a long-sleeved shirt to my ensemble, now that the sun has gone down. Don't worry, I'll figure out this Spring Summertime!
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