And when I switched tactics, and attempted to pin him down to something ELSE he might want as a gift? I got a whole lotta...nothin'. That is, until about a week before the anniversary of his birth, when he finally compiled a very short list for me--all of which involved clothing, amusingly enough. So I scrambled to place some hasty online orders, one of which resulted in the pictured (Malcolm) Brogdon tee that pleased him very much. (Wait a minute--WHO? I know, it's ridiculous. Apparently this kid was last season's Rookie of the Year....that no one outside of Wisconsin...besides my son...has ever heard of...). I also surprised him with a Greensboro Grasshoppers shirt (his alleged "favorite minor league baseball team)--an item he'd mentioned several times, but didn't expect me to actually purchase for him. (Mom, FTW!)
Meanwhile, his brother went straight to way of the stomach,...and supplied some tasty snack foods that he thought Derek would enjoy. (Seriously, Cheez Its...and M&Ms? I can't decide if it's pure genius, or utterly disgusting...but Derek polished off the box in a couple of sittings, making his vote crystal clear.)
Hoooooowever...we're still waiting for the Dylan Bundy replica jersey...which the site where I found it failed to mention is being shipped from CHINA. So who honestly knows when it'll arrive--but hopefully sometime before the end of the Orioles' season. (And that, my beloved offspring, is why you make your wishes known more than 7 days in advance! Just sayin'....)
Anyway, to finish the fashion-palooza, we took a jaunt to Kohl's, to replenish Derek's supply of shorts...since he pointed out that he's pretty much been wearing the same ones since Middle School. So, to put it mildly, it's high time we replace some of those pairs...before they start disintegrating and causing unfortunate wardrobe malfunctions that lead to public embarrassment...or being sent home from class for violating the dress code.

I restrained myself from pointing out that he can now participate in the democratic process--whoo hoo!--because I do get what he's saying. Perhaps this particular age means more to the parents, who at this point are feeling a whole host of emotions...from the inevitable disbelief ("Are you kidding me? How is it possible that our baby is 18 already?"); to relief, for have shepherded him through his tender childhood era, and delivered him safely to the realm of adulthood; to pride, for the young man he's become; to excitement, for what awaits him on the horizon in the next stage of his life. Now before I collapse into a teary-eyed puddle of goo, I believe I'll drown my melancholy with a nice, strong drink (of tea)...and some leftover baked goods! Cheers to Derek!
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