Oh, yeah: ay yi yi, with the younger son forging ahead and aging up a year...as he always does in August, to be fair...but in tumultuous 2018, it was just a wee bit more than I was prepared to handle. Nevertheless, it happened, and we were determined to celebrate...the 3 of us who remained in Casa WestEnders, that is. First there were presents--a book Riley had picked out himself from the Planetarium's gift shop when we visited a few weeks ago; some dumbbells and a sandbag to enhance his at-home workouts; and a comfy beanbag chair to lounge in while reading or using the PlayStation.
And speaking of exercise, on his actual cumpleanos, Riley chose to accompany me to the outdoor bootcamp I attend most weekends. (Because who wouldn't opt to get all hot, sweaty, and tired, first thing in the morning on their special day? I swear--KIDS, man...) Perhaps he was thinking about the fact that we tend to hit up Whole Foods afterwards, for breakfast and coffee--so I suppose that does sort of count as dining out for your bday, yeah? (Sure, we'll go with that...) To round out the food category, in our family the honoree always gets to decree what they'd like for their birthday dinner as well. Riley selected fish tacos, so we shopped for the ingredients after we'd finished our fitness romp and calorie-replenishment.

Husband and Riley endured about 4 hours of this (2 of which were spent standing with the overflow crowd outside the actual office, in 90+ degree heat), at which point I was able to come and take over the delightful task of...sitting and fuming. At long last, we were summoned to one of the stations, where Riley was able to present his paperwork, pay the required fee, sign some forms, get his picture taken, and FINALLY take (and pass) his written test.
The end result was that he earned his temporary permit, allowing him to drive with a supervising grown-up for the next 12 months and log his hours...with the reward being that at this time next year we get to return to the scene of the crime--um, "DMV"--to repeat the whole...gosh darn....process. (Maybe they'll have worked out the kinks in the system by then. Or an even happier thought: you get to make an actual appointment for an on-the-road test, so we might be able to avoid all the malarky. Fingers crossed...)

So there you have it: a pretty eventful week in the life of Riley. After all, how often do you have a birth-iversary, earn a new privilege, get to start working on mastering a skill that will serve you your whole life, and begin 10th grade. ..all in the space of 3 days? Right, that would be "once in a lifetime". (Oh, was that rhetorical? My bad...) And now, I believe that while things are settling down, it would be an excellent time to search for some of that leftover cake! Shhh!!!
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