Monday, April 29, 2019

A few of my favorite things, 2019 Edition

After Derek's birthday ("family celebration pending") next up in the Team WestEnders queue is...why, that would be MEEEEE. So you might be wondering what a middle-aged woman does to commemorate another year on Earth. Well, let me tell ya, it's super-exciting stuff, so hold on to your hats while I clue you in to the momentous events that occurred in my pre-bday week o'fun:

--To kick off the festivities, we have my monthly consultation with....the chiropractor! Yaaayyyy! No, seriously, I love my new guy (to whom I was abruptly forced to switch allegiance, after the insurance-company-that-shall-not-be-named unceremoniously dumped my former practitioner without warning to either of us...). He's not only gentle (when popping my neck and back into alignment), but he also explains everything he's doing, the science behind it, and why it works.

And sometimes there are even bonus pearls of wisdom--for example, when we were just chatting, and I happened to mention that my heel has been hurting lately after I run, and I can't figure out what's causing it or how to alleviate the bruised feeling. He listened thoughtfully, asked a couple of clarifying questions, then whipped out a diagram of the pertinent musculature and showed me where he thought the problem lay. And his recommendation? Put a golf ball in the freezer, then roll the sole of my foot over it when I finish my workout. Yep, folks, this is what happens when you become a...ahem...Lady of a Certain Age: a productive healthcare visit becomes the best surprise of all! (Hahahahahaha!)

--Ooh, speaking of presents...oh, right, Husband and I recently made the Very Grown-Up Decision to replace our house's aged HVAC system...which pretty much covers several years' worth of: both of our birthdays, Mother's and Father's Days, hmm, what else...yeah, better throw in our anniversary too. But at least now we'll have a pleasantly cool and/or warm home, no matter what the feckless NC weather bring our way. So I suppose you could say it's like the gift that keeps on giving (while you continue to pay for it, of course, with convenient monthly installments)! Let's just go with that and move along...

--Another blessing has been that my intransigent left knee has finally agreed to cease being a royal freakin' pain and just calm the heck down, already. So, running has actually reverted to a pleasant way to spend time, rather than, you know, a "torturous activity". Thus I decided to participate in a gathering I'd heard about, but never attended: the weekly Fleet Feet runs that start and end at Ponysaurus Brewing Co. in Durham. I knew that several bootcamp friends tend go on a regular basis--and there's a 3-mile option, so I figured it could be amusing. Sure enough, it turned out to be an interesting route through downtown...which I would never have been able to trace on my own, so I focused on keeping at least one seasoned veteran in my line of sight the entire time, lest I become hopelessly lost in Bull City! Not a bad way to spend a pre-birthday evening, for sure!

--And then, notable only because it's something I DIDN'T do...last year the boys and I saw Avengers: Infinity War the weekend before my birthday (which was emotionally wrenching, and in retrospect perhaps not the wisest choice, but who knew?). In 2019 we have the arrival of Avengers: Endgame, possibly the most-hyped film in the history of cinema, not to mention one that everyone is losing their minds over, both before and after seeing it. But...Derek's away at school, Riley claims he's "over the Marvel movies" (words that don't even make sense to me, honestly)...and so I'm waiting (ever so patiently...YEAH RIGHT) until the college kid comes home to be my theater date. It doesn't help that he texted me at 1:45 a.m. after experiencing it on opening night, to say that it was "a whirlwind". It's all good. I can do this. Nine. More. Days. (And by the way, NO ONE tell me ANYTHING, 'kaythanks!)

--Finally, I took advantage of a gorgeous Sunday afternoon to check out a small event called Arts on Market, taking place in a nearby community and featuring various craft vendors. It was a chance to stroll around in the sunshine, admire beautiful things created by talented people...and of course purchase myself a couple of small tokens, in honor of my latest trip around the sun! (I mean, c'mon...sparkly earrings and a beautiful handmade coffee mug are kind of no-brainers for me...not to mention useful...and therefore guilt-free!) Husband and Riley also came through with the appropriate swag (you can never go wrong with Ghirardelli...and nature, amiright?). Even Derek remembered to text his mother (because he set an electronic reminder. So adult of him...), in the midst of his LDOC shenanigans (Last Day of Classes, for fellow members of the way-post-university crowd).

And what better way to start off my special day than with a big old cup of my favorite brew? That's right, today is all about doing what I want. So I think I'm gonna go read for a while...maybe break off some of that dark chocolate....and take a nap! Yeah...that's the ticket...(tomorrow it'll be back to business as usual, I promise!)

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Late...but with a good excuse?!

A bit of nostalgia this week, as one member of Team WestEnders recently marked a birthday...his first one away from home (pause...sniffle...okay, continue). I mean, it's not like we normally throw blowout parties or perform...I don't know...complicated celebratory rituals...or anything. That's just not how we roll.

But it still felt weird to skip the events that we usually DO mark the occasion with, such as the ever-popular "choose what you'd like Dad to cook for your actual birthday dinner". Coupled, of course, with my unique contribution: "What kind of cake should I make you?" (No one else in the fam bakes, so that one's all me--yaaaayyy!) Oh, and let's not forget, "Here are your presents, which are exactly what you requested, since you're now technically an adult and therefore impossible to buy for without a specific list". And finally, "Where do you want to eat out, when it's more convenient, like the closest Saturday?"

Instead, each of us sent him a text that morning, wishing him a happy 19th...and then we all went about our regularly scheduled weekday. In fact, he'd told me he probably wasn't going to even notice or recognize his birth-iversary in any fun or meaningful way, because it happens to fall right smack in the middle of the "last wave" of tests and projects and whatnot before the end of his semester, and he had a ton of work and studying to get done. I remember thinking, "Aw, poor baby. Doesn't sound like a good time at all." (On the other hand, I'd apologize for the timing...but you're the one who decided to jump the gun and pop out 3 weeks early, so...sorry, not sorry!)

However, I did have what I considered a brainstorm when Riley and I--walking together along Franklin Street near UNC last weekend--passed a little establishment called Insomnia Cookies. It suddenly occurred to me that such a business probably exists in, oh, nearly EVERY college town across America...and they'd therefore be able to deliver some tasty treats to my distant celebrant. Aha!

Well, I thought it was a darn good plan...but it turns out the whole thing is somewhat more... complicated and time consuming...than I realized. Not the ordering itself--that simply involved visiting their website, choosing which delectable goodies you want them to stash in the box, entering the recipient's address, and completing the virtual payment. Easy peasy, cookies on the way, right? Ahem. You see, I was guilty of a fatal error in logic: I figured it was obvious that the baked bites would be sent out from the local store, near his university, making the "shipping" quick and painless. But...noooo.

Instead, the package is assembled and sent from a corporate location...which just happens to be in Pennsylvania...several states away...thus requiring multiple days of transport. Dang it! On top of that, I also committed a logistical miscalculation. Since I was laboring under the assumption that the whole transaction would be carried out in Columbia, and they'd be familiar with the UofSC housing arrangements, I used his actual dorm location and room number. (I suppose I was thinking of it kind of like a balloon-o-gram, or bouquet from a florist. That seems totally legit, yeah?)

And yet, apparently that's not the case at all, since the FedEx driver was turned away, without being allowed to leave his precious cargo. Siiighhhh. I then had to contact customer service, provide them his mailing address, wait for the stupid box to make its way BACK TO PA where it was accepted and accounted for, and then RE-SENT southward again. Fortunately, Derek knows nothing of  my plan, nor the whole debacle of its execution, so when he does eventually receive his very belated gift, it will be a complete surprise...and thus even more exciting? Suuuuure, let's go with that.

Honestly, in retrospect it would have been faster and less trouble to drive the freakin' thing down to him myself. Eh, for next year, I already know what to do, so this will all go soooo much more smoothly! (Plus, he'll be living in an off-campus apartment, so super-strict university postage rules be damned! Ha!) At least his CARDS arrived ahead of time (not that he ever checks his mailbox...unless I remind he probably hasn't picked them up...ay yi yi...). And he sent me a photo the day after, with what looks like a pinata...featuring Queen Elsa and Princess Anna from Frozen (which he proudly lists as one of his top-rated Disney flicks of all time)...and the caption "Birthday celebrations got slightly out of control yesterday." So clearly he managed to squeeze in some entertainment amidst the homework....which should make for a doozy of a story during our next chat!

Speaking of which, during last Sunday's catch-up phone call, he and I did discuss how to formally handle the bday shenanigans--and we came to the conclusion that, given the timing of his semester-wrap-up and return to Casa WestEnders, it makes sense to postpone any official activities until then. Besides, it'll be just past his and my special days, and a little before Husband's, so Derek came up with the idea of: Combined Spring Birthday...Extravaganza....or what have you (official title TBD). There you have it--a new tradition kicking off in 2019...where we can enjoy a whirlwind tour of several favorite eateries, cook lots of beloved dishes, and have All. The. Cake. Hey, this plan (heavily-food-based--which is a recurring theme of ours, as you've probably guessed) kind of rocks. Yummm!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Lady of Leisure*

*Okay, that might be slightly misleading. What I mean to convey is that, in between all the boring-but-crucial errands and household management tasks and, you know, "searching for meaningful employment", I've been fortunate to squeeze in some of the more entertaining stuff lately. Here's a rundown:

I enjoyed spending time with two wonderful ladies--both of whom I've counted among my friends since waaaay back in the O.G. playgroup days (the gang that was formed by the Olney Mom's Club when Derek was just a wee babe of 5 months!). One had traveled to the area from her home in Atlanta for her son to take a specialized foreign language exam being offered in Raleigh. We made the most of their brief stay at Casa WestEnders by catching up on each others' lives, taking in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro scenery, and dining at one of my fave establishments (The Spotted Dog...any excuse to patronize this gluten-free and vegan-friendly joint, because...yummm!).

The other had come down from our old hometown in Maryland, to see a dance showcase at UNC, in which her Freshman daughter would be performing with the company. She picked up extra tickets and invited me, along with another family we both know, to come along...but first we took advantage of the glorious April weather to stroll along Franklin Street, people-watching, window-shopping, and soaking in the bubbly college-town atmosphere. Oh, and also lunching at another go-to, "Med Deli", where I know from (tasty) experience that the variety, freshness, and healthy options pretty much satisfy everyone.

Finally, after the dazzling array of pirouettes, jetes, arabesques, and....other graceful, lovely feats...we accompanied the hungry dancer to a restaurant of her choosing. (Hops--a new one for me, but the young lady, a fellow member of the Vegetarian Club, assured me they made a good non-meat burger...and she was right!)

Whew! That was a whole lotta...socializing...and eating out...for me! Switching gears: I've had the opportunity to get involved with a couple of awesome volunteer organizations lately. For example, there's TABLE, a non-profit that provides meals to neighborhood kids. I try to remember as often as possible to donate items that they request when they're running low. But this time I noticed a call for help on Twitter, for dropping off bags of food at nearby schools, to distribute to the students who need it. Yep, sounds like a worthwhile Thursday morning endeavor to me--put me in, coach!

Moving right along: I mentioned First Pages in a previous post, when I described their recent read-aloud fundraiser held in downtown Durham. Well, it turns out that the founder (who's also our bootcamp leader, incidentally) also could use help delivering boxes of books to the businesses that pass them along to needy children. Done! And--more amusingly--she also solicited participants to help sort, weed out, and organize the mountains of books currently residing...and taking up more than their fair share of valuable real her garage.

Thus a small but determined contingent of ladies found ourselves picking through, evaluating, and re-boxing cardboard, paperback, and hard-cover stories, keeping the best, ditching the outdated or damaged...laughing at the absurd (far too many potty tales, and one VERY disturbingly graphic narrative describing "God's plan for mommies and daddies"! Cringe...)...and reminiscing over some sentimental reminders (Awww...Click Clack Moo! We used to looooove that one!). To sum up: doing good + feeling good = Win/Win!

Next, in our Department of Culture (Sure we have one of's the hall. What? No one's there? Eh, maybe they're busy, I don't know...WRITING or something...check back later...), I'll be attending the latest installment of Pop-Up Broadway, to sing several of my absolute best-loved girl-power-car-karaoke numbers, Defying Gravity from Wicked and Let It Go from Frozen. (Memo to Me: time spent transporting snacks to schools in one's mobile Subaru studio can double as rehearsal before tonight's gig. Two birds, one stone, boom!)

And finally, since I relished the Civil War lectures so much (taught by a highly respected and locally renowned CHHS teacher), I registered for the second series, focusing on World War II. (Because, you know, "never stop learning", keep the old brain stimulated, and whatnot. Nah...who am I trying to kid? Going to class is just super-fun, y'all! Or is that just me? Eh, "nerd for life", what can I say?)

There you have it: the continuing adventures of Queen WestEnders during her precious goof-off/self-improvement time. But now, sadly, duty does call once more--in the form of a Costco list that begs to be addressed. Ooh, wait a second...more choral practice on the 30-minute commute! La la la la la la laaaaaa!

Monday, April 1, 2019

(Pre) College Prep 2.0

Today's tale feels an awful lot like deja vu at first glance...but features a slight twist on the memory. You see, it was yet another one of those "college visits" that became so familiar to Team WestEnders over the past couple of years as Derek tried to figure out where he wanted to receive his higher education. However, this was the first one initiated by the younger son, not as a tag-along, but solely for his own benefit.

Now, you might be thinking, "Isn't he only a Sophomore? It seems too early to be even thinking about this!" And you would not be wrong. But therein lies one undeniable advantage to being a second sibling: having gone through all search hoopla....with his brother, Riley gained advance knowledge of the process, and a head start on figuring out how he wants to play it for himself.

So while Husband and I took the lead initially with Derek--because he needed a kick in the butt to get moving--Riley is already researching, evaluating, and planning his own strategic attack, if you will, on the task. For example, he asked me one day if he could modify the spreadsheet I created for Derek, which contains potentially appealing universities within a 300 mile radius or so, by adding, deleting, and/or updating information. (Um...YES, please do!) Then he mentioned that he was thinking it might be a good idea to go ahead and schedule a tour of N.C. State during his Spring Break, because it's so close, and easy to "get out of the way". ( betcha!)

Thus he reserved our spots a couple of months ago, we marked our calendars, and last Friday he and I made our way to Raleigh for the...festivities. When we arrived, we first dutifully sat and listened to the welcome presentation--which we found both interesting and informative. (One fun fact to prove I was paying attention: NCSU is one of only 2 public research institutions in the state. They didn't say, but I'd bet a lot of money that UNC is the other...)

Then, due to the fact that it's a sprawling campus, we got back in the car to move to our next rendezvous point outside the student union building. During this journey, we happened to pass a veritable fleet of out-of-town buses and vans sporting the names of other schools from all over the country. (New England, the South, Great Lakes Region, Mid-Atlantic--there didn't appear to be any geographic rhyme or reason to the participants, and the whole scene was nuts, I tell ya...) The reason became apparent as we approached our designated parking deck, and heard the loudspeaker announcing upcoming the gigantic track meet happening in the stadium 50 yards away.

This caused me a small amount of concern, given that neither Riley nor I is terribly fond of hordes, per se...or, you know..."chaos" in general. But when I made a comment to this effect, he shrugged and said, "Eh, I'm used to crowded hallways that are too small for the amount of it actually feels like there's enough room for everyone here, and it doesn't bother me." Well, alrighty then! We followed our chatty tour guides around the grounds, taking in the sights and the wealth of data about academics, support services, residence halls, dining facilities, entertainment and leisure opportunities, etc.

I'd say it was a nice overview for a first-time visitor just beginning to dip their proverbial toe in the post-high-school waters and explore their college options. Once the official portion of our day ended, Riley and I set out on our own to hit a couple of extras of particular interest to him--such as the rec center...and the separate section known as Centennial Campus, which holds the dorms and classrooms for the Engineering program (after obtaining an iced coffee for me, at one of the 11 java-serving places scattered around the university, according to one of the coeds leading our group. As far as I'm concerned, this goes in the Plus column, for sure. Well done, State...).

After we'd seen enough to satisfy Riley, and were ready to wrap up our investigational field trip, I asked for his impressions. In his typical logical fashion, he summed it up by stating that based on our expedition and observations, he wouldn't rule out NCSU as a potential contender...nor would he move it higher up the list of his current favorites.

The only criticism he voiced was that the Centennial Campus--while certainly giving the appearance of being quite new, clean, and...I don't know...high-tech?--felt very disconnected from the rest of the school. He added that it looked to him like a bunch of offices, not like somewhere he'd want to live. His observation made me realize that since we'd driven into that section, we hadn't seen One. Person. No hustle and/or bustle. No teeming activity whatsoever, as a matter of fact. It was quite a contrast from the lively, energetic buzz happening in the central area. And so...duly noted!

And with that, we bid Raleigh a cheery farewell and headed out into mild rush-hour traffic to return to our own Chapel Hill part of the Triangle. It was a successful kickoff to Riley's Great College Quest...and now with that experience under our belts, we can move on to tackling a more difficult one...but maybe during the Summer months!