After Derek's birthday ("family celebration pending") next up in the Team WestEnders queue is...why, that would be MEEEEE. So you might be wondering what a middle-aged woman does to commemorate another year on Earth. Well, let me tell ya, it's
super-exciting stuff, so hold on to your hats while I clue you in to the momentous events that occurred in my
pre-bday week o'fun:

--To kick off the festivities, we have my monthly consultation with....the
chiropractor! Yaaayyyy! No, seriously, I love my new guy (to whom I was abruptly forced to switch allegiance, after the insurance-company-that-shall-not-be-named unceremoniously dumped my former practitioner without warning to either of us...). He's not only gentle (when popping my neck and back into alignment), but he also explains everything he's doing, the science behind it, and why it works.
And sometimes there are even
bonus pearls of wisdom--for example, when we were just chatting, and I happened to mention that my heel has been hurting lately after I run, and I can't figure out what's causing it or how to alleviate the bruised feeling. He listened thoughtfully, asked a couple of clarifying questions, then whipped out a diagram of the pertinent musculature and showed me where he thought the problem lay. And his recommendation? Put a golf ball in the freezer, then roll the sole of my foot over it when I finish my workout. Yep, folks, this is what happens when you become a...ahem...
Lady of a Certain Age: a productive healthcare visit becomes the
best surprise of all! (Hahahahahaha!)
--Ooh, speaking of
presents...oh, right, Husband and I recently made the
Very Grown-Up Decision to replace our house's aged HVAC system...which pretty much covers several years' worth of: both of our birthdays, Mother's and Father's Days, hmm, what else...yeah, better throw in our anniversary too. But at least now we'll have a pleasantly cool and/or warm home, no matter what the feckless NC weather bring our way. So I suppose you could say it's like the
gift that keeps on giving (while you continue to
pay for it, of course, with convenient monthly installments)! Let's just go with that and move along...

--Another blessing has been that my intransigent left knee has
finally agreed to cease being a royal freakin' pain and just calm the heck down, already. So, running has actually reverted to a
pleasant way to spend time, rather than, you know, a "
torturous activity". Thus I decided to participate in a gathering I'd heard about, but never attended: the weekly
Fleet Feet runs that start and end at Ponysaurus Brewing Co. in Durham. I knew that several bootcamp friends tend go on a regular basis--and there's a 3-mile option, so I figured it could be amusing. Sure enough, it turned out to be an interesting route through downtown...which I would
never have been able to trace on my own, so I focused on keeping at least one seasoned veteran in my line of sight the entire time, lest I become
hopelessly lost in Bull City! Not a bad way to spend a pre-birthday evening, for sure!
--And then, notable only because it's something I DIDN'T do...last year the boys and I saw
Avengers: Infinity War the weekend before my birthday (which was emotionally wrenching, and in retrospect perhaps not the wisest choice, but who knew?). In 2019 we have the arrival of
Avengers: Endgame, possibly the most-hyped film in the history of cinema, not to mention one that everyone is losing their minds over, both before and after seeing it. But...Derek's away at school, Riley claims he's "
over the Marvel movies" (words that don't even
make sense to me, honestly)...and so I'm waiting (
ever so patiently...YEAH RIGHT) until the college kid comes home to be my theater date. It doesn't help that he texted me at 1:45 a.m. after experiencing it on opening night, to say that it was "a whirlwind". It's all good. I can do this.
Nine. More. Days. (And by the way, NO ONE tell me ANYTHING, 'kaythanks!)

--Finally, I took advantage of a gorgeous Sunday afternoon to check out a small event called
Arts on Market, taking place in a nearby community and featuring various craft vendors. It was a chance to stroll around in the sunshine, admire beautiful things created by talented people...and of course purchase
myself a couple of
small tokens, in honor of my latest trip around the sun! (I mean, c'mon...
sparkly earrings and a beautiful handmade
coffee mug are kind of no-brainers for me...not to mention
useful...and therefore
guilt-free!) Husband and Riley also came through with the appropriate swag (you can never go wrong with
nature, amiright?). Even Derek remembered to text his mother (because he set an electronic reminder. So
adult of him...), in the midst of his LDOC shenanigans (Last Day of Classes, for fellow members of the way-post-university crowd).
And what better way to start off my special day than with a big old cup of my favorite brew? That's right, today is all about
doing what I want. So I think I'm gonna go
read for a while...maybe break off some of that
dark chocolate....and take a
nap! Yeah...that's the ticket...(tomorrow it'll be back to business as usual, I promise!)
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