A bit of nostalgia this week, as one member of Team WestEnders recently marked a birthday...his first one away from home (pause...sniffle...okay, continue). I mean, it's not like we normally throw blowout parties or perform...I don't know...complicated celebratory rituals...or anything. That's just not how we roll.
But it still felt weird to skip the events that we usually DO mark the occasion with, such as the ever-popular "choose what you'd like Dad to cook for your actual birthday dinner". Coupled, of course, with my unique contribution: "What kind of cake should I make you?" (No one else in the fam bakes, so that one's all me--yaaaayyy!) Oh, and let's not forget, "Here are your presents, which are exactly what you requested, since you're now technically an adult and therefore impossible to buy for without a specific list". And finally, "Where do you want to eat out, when it's more convenient, like the closest Saturday?"
Instead, each of us sent him a text that morning, wishing him a happy 19th...and then we all went about our regularly scheduled weekday. In fact, he'd told me he probably wasn't going to even notice or recognize his birth-iversary in any fun or meaningful way, because it happens to fall right smack in the middle of the "last wave" of tests and projects and whatnot before the end of his semester, and he had a ton of work and studying to get done. I remember thinking, "Aw, poor baby. Doesn't sound like a good time at all." (On the other hand, I'd apologize for the timing...but you're the one who decided to jump the gun and pop out 3 weeks early, so...sorry, not sorry!)
However, I did have what I considered a brainstorm when Riley and I--walking together along Franklin Street near UNC last weekend--passed a little establishment called Insomnia Cookies. It suddenly occurred to me that such a business probably exists in, oh, nearly EVERY college town across America...and they'd therefore be able to deliver some tasty treats to my distant celebrant. Aha!
Well, I thought it was a darn good plan...but it turns out the whole thing is somewhat more... complicated and time consuming...than I realized. Not the ordering itself--that simply involved visiting their website, choosing which delectable goodies you want them to stash in the box, entering the recipient's address, and completing the virtual payment. Easy peasy, cookies on the way, right? Ahem. You see, I was guilty of a fatal error in logic: I figured it was obvious that the baked bites would be sent out from the local store, near his university, making the "shipping" quick and painless. But...noooo.
Instead, the package is assembled and sent from a corporate location...which just happens to be in Pennsylvania...several states away...thus requiring multiple days of transport. Dang it! On top of that, I also committed a logistical miscalculation. Since I was laboring under the assumption that the whole transaction would be carried out in Columbia, and they'd be familiar with the UofSC housing arrangements, I used his actual dorm location and room number. (I suppose I was thinking of it kind of like a balloon-o-gram, or bouquet from a florist. That seems totally legit, yeah?)
And yet, apparently that's not the case at all, since the FedEx driver was turned away, without being allowed to leave his precious cargo. Siiighhhh. I then had to contact customer service, provide them his mailing address, wait for the stupid box to make its way BACK TO PA where it was accepted and accounted for, and then RE-SENT southward again. Fortunately, Derek knows nothing of my plan, nor the whole debacle of its execution, so when he does eventually receive his very belated gift, it will be a complete surprise...and thus even more exciting? Suuuuure, let's go with that.
Honestly, in retrospect it would have been faster and less trouble to drive the freakin' thing down to him myself. Eh, for next year, I already know what to do, so this will all go soooo much more smoothly! (Plus, he'll be living in an off-campus apartment, so super-strict university postage rules be damned! Ha!) At least his CARDS arrived ahead of time (not that he ever checks his mailbox...unless I remind him...so he probably hasn't picked them up...ay yi yi...). And he sent me a photo the day after, with what looks like a pinata...featuring Queen Elsa and Princess Anna from Frozen (which he proudly lists as one of his top-rated Disney flicks of all time)...and the caption "Birthday celebrations got slightly out of control yesterday." So clearly he managed to squeeze in some entertainment amidst the homework....which should make for a doozy of a story during our next chat!
Speaking of which, during last Sunday's catch-up phone call, he and I did discuss how to formally handle the bday shenanigans--and we came to the conclusion that, given the timing of his semester-wrap-up and return to Casa WestEnders, it makes sense to postpone any official activities until then. Besides, it'll be just past his and my special days, and a little before Husband's, so Derek came up with the idea of: Combined Spring Birthday...Extravaganza....or what have you (official title TBD). There you have it--a new tradition kicking off in 2019...where we can enjoy a whirlwind tour of several favorite eateries, cook lots of beloved dishes, and have All. The. Cake. Hey, this plan (heavily-food-based--which is a recurring theme of ours, as you've probably guessed) kind of rocks. Yummm!
Sunday, April 21, 2019
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