Someone on Team WestEnders marked a milestone birthday this week--albeit with very little fanfare or special attention, per his express wishes. Sixteen years ago, Riley joined our squad in uncharacteristically dramatic jumping the gun on his scheduled c-section, bursting onto the scene a day early, and making his entrance in the midst of a raging thunderstorm that had knocked out the hospital's electricity. (Fortunately, there were backup generators, because, you know, we aren't lunatic off-the-grid whatever they're called...Doomsday Preppers?…and our well-equipped suburban area had the resources to deal with this kind of emergency. Thus it was a bit more exciting than it strictly needed to be...but not life-threatening…just how we like our medical situations. Wait, what? That’s not it…never mind. Let’s move on, shall we? )

In fact, this turned out to be productive as well, since Riley picked up some new boxing gloves (for the sparring bag we have as part of our Bonus Room's workout setup) and a jumprope (extra cardio training, I suppose). Since he had refused to tell us anything he wanted for his birthday this year, we counted these as gifts. (Hey, we've gotta work with what he gives us, with this kid, okay?)
However, when we'd returned home and were chatting a little later, he remarked, "Can I show you a race I'm interested in running? If you pay my registration fee, I figure that could be a birthday present, right?" Well…sure, honey--that sounds like an awesome plan! So I signed him up for the Carrboro 10K happening in October, and called it…a wrap. (Sorry! Couldn’t help myself…)
There was one thing I wasn’t able to resist doing, though. You see, Riley decided somewhere along the way that he just…doesn’t like desserts anymore. (I know what you’re thinking: “But…how could he possibly be your child?” And I don’t have an answer for you, friends--it’s just a much a mystery to me as it is to you.) But he does have an all-consuming love for fruit…and right now he’s obsessed with cherries. So rather than the traditional cake option, I came up with the brainstorm of making him a cherry pie instead.

Aaannnd…that’s about it for the anniversary-of-your-birth festivities. Riley honestly spent a quiet afternoon getting himself organized for the first day of school (which usually falls immediately after his bday). At one point he even wistfully declared, “I almost wish I had some homework to do…or something to read for class.” (Which seems like the worst present EVER, amiright? My first instinct was to tell him to lighten up, for crying out loud, and enjoy his last few hours of freedom before Junior year arrives and bites him in the…tush! But, that’s just Riley being Riley--my serious, scholarly, sage sixteen-er. This dude’s gonna be working on some big stuff this year--finding employment, operating a vehicle by himself, kicking the college prep-and-search shenanigans into high gear…all while showing 11th grade who’s boss. Here’s to hanging on for a potentially wild ride…wheee!
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