Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mid-September status report...

I've always liked September, from way back in the days when it heralded the start of another academic year. (Yes, I was...heck, still am...THAT nerd...). I mean, the allure of back-to-school shopping trips to pick out some fresh clothes...and supplies...cannot be overstated, amiright? Then there's the psychological boost of flipping the calendar (if you still have one of those...which I do...) away from August, which even if it doesn't change the actual situation in the Great Outdoors, at least makes you feel like you've put the worst of the Summer swelter in your rearview. 


Well, obviously with the whole "working from home" scenario continuing indefinitely, there's not a whole lot of reason--or motivation, for that matter--to update the closet contents. (Hey, I faithfully make sure I'm rotating through my selection of tee-shirts, so my Zoom-mates don't see the same one twice in a row...which is as much effort as I can manage right now, to be honest. And just to be clear, because I know some of you wise guys will jump to embarrassing conclusions if I don't state this explicitly: OF COURSE I'M ALWAYS WEARING PANTS, OKAY? "Couture 2020", folks...)


As for the treasured Staples excursion that both Riley and I await with great anticipation every year...let's just say we got out of the store in record time...while spending under $25. Turns out you don't need much when doing the remote learning thing, so we'll see what happens if and when our district decides to move the shenanigans back onto campuses. Maybe the fun materials run is yet to come. (Fingers crossed!)


Fortunately, the new month did gift us with a break from the blanket of humidity that's been smothering us in recent...yeah, never mind, it seems like forever. In typical--amusing yet ridiculous--North Carolina fashion, it went something like this: weeks without end of full-blast AC running 24-7 abruptly gave way to about 48 hours of delightfully crisp and cool conditions, in which we opened all the windows in the house to allow a glorious airing. Then just as suddenly, both the overnight temps and daytime highs dropped to the point that we had to close everything back up, lest it get too COLD in the house. 


And that's where we are now, hovering in that awkward zone between "I'm a little chilly; I'm gonna put on a long-sleeved shirt" (yay!) and "I absolutely refuse to turn the freakin' HEAT on, so we'd better make sure it stays above 68 in here." Holy weather whiplash, Batman...yeeeaaaah, who am I trying to kid--this is totally normal for us. Eh, at least we haven't had a hurricane yet! (She says facetiously, since we're under a Flash Flood warning for the next several days, as the remnants of Sally may dump 3-6 inches of rain on us. Yippee...)


Realistically, I suppose Fall can't be expected to be 100% delightful; for example there's the decidedly unpleasant-but-necessary aspect of the annual flu shot to consider. For me this comes with an added wrinkle: the odd sensitivity to eggs I appear to have developed in recent years forces me to seek out the chicken-product-less version, which isn't automatically stocked by all providers. I got lucky for a couple of cycles with Harris Teeter, of all places, but this time when I asked they'd run out. However, CVS, which has never previously offered it, apparently did an about-face and is carrying it for 2020. 


Anyway, the chatty pharmacy technician who administered my vaccine--I think he felt bad that I had to wait a while for the contents to "warm up"--took the time to explain that it would actually be better if everyone just got the "recombinant" option, because it doesn't cause the reactions that the one grown in a petri dish does. "But,", he sighed, "it all comes down to money, probably, and this one is more expensive to produce." Huh. Immunity boost PLUS a side of unexpected education? Definitely a win/win...even with the sore arm!


Finally, Team WestEnders enjoyed one tiny shred of return to normalcy this past weekend, with the kickoff (Ha! Sorry…) of college football--in its pandemic format, anyway. While I do realize the whole endeavor is fraught with peril, and could go about 75 different kinds of wrong...I'm not gonna lie, it was fabulous to be able to hunker down on the sofa and watch some of the gridiron goings-on. Husband, Riley, and I even tuned into some of the Clemson game together, since it aired during primetime. Family bonding over sports? Yep, that sounds like us...


So we're heading toward the actual Equinox next week—whattya say we keep this seasonal party rolling with some traditional Autumn entertainment. Apple picking? Corn maze? Bonfire? I'm not sure where to find these around here...and it's too soon for pumpkin patches or leaf-peeping just yet in the Piedmont. Perhaps for now we'll just have to stick with the customary favorite: pumpkin spice flavored coffee. (Eh, even if it's iced, at this point, I'll take it...) Happy (early) Fall, y'all!

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