Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Classic Rock for the Next Generation

My kids are still young enough that they tolerate their parents, listen to stories about "when we were young" without grimacing, and even (for the moment, at least) accept our behavior with a minimum of eye-rolling or morbid embarrassment. So, for example, when an old Bon Jovi song comes on the radio, and Mom turns it up to wail along ("whoa-oh, livin' on a prayer!"), they might be a tad surprised for a moment, but they take it in stride. In fact, after his initial confusion, Derek nonchalantly stated, "Sure, I know that song from playing Lego Rock Band on the Wii." Thank goodness for yet another generation can fully appreciate the power and awesomeness of a classic hair band.

Then there's Riley, who yesterday was on his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth, humming a snatch of song to himself ("na, na, na na na, nananananananana na na na"--it doesn't really translate to the page, you'll have to trust me here.) It was a very clear, strong beat, and I was only half paying attention when suddenly in my head--as though it was Riley Radio--I heard the actual singer start the lyrics...and it was Ozzy Osbourne. My 7-year old was just doing a little Black Sabbath tune before school. When I told Derek about it a few minutes later, he added, "Last time Riley was playing air hockey in the basement, he was singing that song, you know, it goes 'all of my love, all of my love'..." Um, Led Zeppelin? Good. Grief.  I have a budding classic-rock-heavy-metalhead on my hands. (But let's just be clear: there will be no piercings, tattoos, or leather apparel until you're at least 18!)

Finally, Derek has been loving his drum lessons so far. This week his teacher brought his own guitar for the first time, so they could "jam" together, and Derek was on Cloud 9. Afterwards, he requested that I add the AC/DC songs back onto his iPod so he could study the drum patterns. Ah, my young musical dudes and their heavy metal education...I suspect we're in for a loud, wild ride as they pursue their rock-and-roll dreams! (Do you think it's too late to impress upon them how very cool Mozart can be?)

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