Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rhetorically speaking...

My Dad used to demonstrate—among his numerous paternal talents--prodigious skill in the art of the Rhetorical Question. You know what I’m talking about: "Do you think money grows on trees?" (delivered with a thunderous expression of disapproval, usually when one of us kids requested extra spending cash...most likely to buy something silly and/or wasteful.) Or the most famous one of all: “How many times have I told you to A. pick up your room; B. turn off the lights; C. stop bothering your sibling;  D. fill-in-the-blank Frequent Offense?” Now, most kids have a natural tendency to want to please their parents (especially when they fear impending disciplinary action), so we would generally do the obedient thing and try to answer the question as honestly as possible. “Um, no? Money comes from…your wallet?” And “I think you’ve told me…about 25 times.” Then we would get the heavy sigh, the slow shake of the head, and the forceful exclamation, “It’s. A. Rhetorical. Question!” (Come to think of it, I don’t remember him ever explaining exactly what that meant, which may have been at the heart of the misunderstanding…) Now that we’re all grown up, my sister, brother and I continue to reply to his queries-that-need-no-response, because it’s become an amusing joke in Family History, causing Dad to chuckle, rather than bellow…plus he can’t ground us anymore…

Flash forward to yesterday, when I had secretly done something that I knew would make Derek very happy. Quite pleased with myself, and wanting to share the good news right away, I found him in his room and asked, “How much do you love me?” Surely, everyone recognizes this, the most standard of rhetorical questions, right? I mean, the only possible correct answer is an immediate, heartfelt “TONS!” (Or something similar in emotion and emphasis.) Riley, who at almost-9 is still mostly Mr. Literal, enthusiastically yelled, “A LOT!” (Nicely done, honey.) Since that went well, I continued with the line of conversation, “And how much do I love you?” Should’ve been a no-brainer, yeah? C’mon, this is your mother talking! But Derek looked up from his video game with a pensive, serious expression--as though he was ever-so-carefully weighing his words--and said, “Well…it depends. Is it a typical day? Or a ‘running a lot of errands’ day?” Whaaaat? Okay, I’ll play along: “Typical day.” Derek stated, “Then I guess, yeah, you love us some.” (Wow….that’s very…understated…thank you, unemotional preteen boy…) And because I just had to know: “What about the other days?” He was ready for that, too—“If we’re trying to get stuff done, you’re annoyed with us, so not as much love.”

Ay-yi-yi. I sooooo understand my Dad’s reaction now. (As I sighed, shook my head, and slapped my forehead—that last one’s my own personal touch…of parental disbelief at the goofiness of my children.) Finally I was able to get to the point of the whole ridiculous interaction: “I ordered your PS3, and did 2-day Shipping for you!” Now he got it, “Ohhhhhhh!!!!! Thanks, Mom!” (And at last, the big hug of appreciation I was waiting for.) So how many times do you think I’ll have to explain “rhetorical questions” to the boys?” Do. Not. Answer. That!

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