The activities kicked off in February, with the Run for the Roses in Raleigh. Some members of the outdoor bootcamp group I belong to have made this an annual tradition, so I went along to see what it was like. I usually opt to stick closer to home, to reduce the amount of "crawling out of bed at the crack of dawn...ish...and driving RUN", but since this one always happens in the...let's call it "Quasi-Winter"...the start time is set for afternoon, presumably to allow it to heat up to a comfortable temperature after the overnight low. This year, however, race day weather was freakishly warm--we're talking 80*, out of the blue--which made for a difficult slog...on what I also discovered was a very hilly course. Long story short: not my fave, but it was kind of exciting to be able to do a 5K so early in the new year.

During the height of Summer there came a long lull for us, as nothing really matched our schedule, location, or length preferences. Which brings us to a couple of races that I ended up doing solo--well, me and hundreds of other outdoor enthusiasts, I mean. The Fall version of the Blue Blood Rivalry Run gathers folks who support UNC...or the D-school...and sends them out to compete against each other on foot, the same day the football teams clash on the field. It makes for a lively, good-natured environment, on a path that turned out to be uncharacteristically gentle and easy, for Chapel Hill. (Yay!) Then on Thanksgiving I decided to switch from the 8K I've done the past 2 years in Carrboro, to a shorter turkey trot in Durham. Aaaannnd, even though it was quite a chilly endeavor, the route proved to be another relatively flat--and therefore fast--undertaking.
That, of course, brings us to today's Grand Finale: the 2nd occurrence of the Positive Impact for Kids 5K, which benefits Duke's and UNC's children's hospitals, through a charity founded by a local High School student. It was another afternoon affair, at a familiar park, and we'd all done it last year, so it seemed an excellent way for us to tie a festive bow on the 2017 race season...with vigorous exercise...and family bonding...and whatnot. In truth, while Riley immediately agreed to the plan, Derek's response was something more along the lines of, "Ugh. You're gonna MAKE me run, aren't you? Do I even have a choice?" (Hmm, let me think about that...why no, you don't! So may I politely request that you get out there and jog a couple of times, to at least pretend you trained, before you show up your parents with the effortless stamina and speed of youth? Thanks...) Then Riley's soccer coach went and did something crazy, like coordinate a scrimmage with another club...for the same day. Yet the 14 year-old with boundless energy shrugged and said, "Eh, it's fine. I should still be able to do it after my game."
And you know what? Not only did he run it...he finished 3rd overall, 2nd in the Male division. (That's after 80 minutes of sprinting and kicking and...stuff. Seriously, it's exhausting to me just imagining it...) For his efforts--and because I insisted we stay for the awards part, when the impatient teenagers wanted to rush home, plop down in front of the TV, and start watching football--he was presented with a nifty pair of athletic socks...and a $25 gift certificate to Fleet Feet. (SEE? Mother. Knows. Best!) Derek and Husband naturally came in waaaaayyy ahead of me, but I had nothing to complain about--even though I felt like I was chugging up the inclines, having advance knowledge of the surroundings apparently helped, as I was able to record a PR for this particular trail.

And with that, my friends, we're gonna call this....the final (racing) Win of 2017. Now it's time for a well-earned hiatus...for researching the next group of challenges we'd like to try in 2018. But for a while, the only thing we're going to be hustling the holiday cookies! Mmmmm.....
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