Wednesday, December 20, 2017

'Twas the week before Christmas (Already? Aaaarrrrghhhh!)

Hey, here's a question for you: does anyone else feel like they're careening through December like a...runaway Polar Express? I mean, it seems like I JUST gussied up the old homestead, like YESTERDAY, and suddenly it's less than a week 'til Christmas. Holy calendar crunch, Batman, how did that happen?

Well, at least there's lots of fun and festivities you can count on at this time of year to keep your spirit bright and your mood jolly. Like...finding the perfect present for your loved ones? Oh, was like pulling teeth to get ANY of the Male Trio to commit to asking for anything this never mind about that. (Don't get me wrong, there are definite pluses to this, of course, the most obvious being 1) money saved and 2) shopping mall chaos avoided. So let's hear it for " in my pjs" All. Day. Long.) Also, I suppose I shouldn't reeeaaally give the guys a hard time, since it was difficult for ME to figure out a Wish List as well.

You see, I used to be completely off the hook, until the children reached an age when they have some of their own money to spend, and started wanting to be part of the gifting...which is lovely and heartwarming and all of that, no doubt...but does cause something of a dilemma. You know, because it's not reasonable to suggest what I truly desire....for instance, a trip to Europe. And it's impossible to provide what would be most helpful...such as a winning lottery ticket. Clearly, this is a problem...

Anyway, after wracking my brains, I finally did come up with an idea. However, when I attempted to describe the very simple object--a belt one wears while running, which securely holds keys and other necessary items--I only managed to get about 5 words in before Husband loudly interrupted, with an innocent expression and far too much enthusiasm, "OH! You mean a FANNY PACK!" shall I put this delicately...."NOOOOOO, that's not even close...since the last time I checked, it wasn't the 1990s anymore." I've gotta tell ya, I was not overcome with confidence in the abilities of my own personal Elf Squad, especially when--while I was still in the room, mind you, Husband lowered his voice ever-so-slightly and commented in a pseudo-aside to the kids, "Ha! What're the odds that we don't totally screw this up?" (Yeah...I'm thinking that the morning of the 25th could be...interesting...)

While we're on the subject, Husband wasn't any better, himself: the only item he initially mentioned was...extra-long matches, to light the grill. You see what I'm working with? It's not easy being the resident Mrs. Clause, my friends. (In case you're wondering, yes, the boys and I did fulfill his request...but we opted for a refillable lighter with an extended, skinny handle, made specifically for just such...meat-charring activities. I'm absolutely certain that he'll love it...his $4 treasure...)

And then there's our annual Holiday Open House. That's always a good one--gathering friends and family to chat, catch up on the latest haps, and congregate around a table filled with party snacks. However, this year I went a little overboard on the sweets end of the spectrum and ended up with LOTS of leftover treats. Therefore I sternly instructed the boys on Sunday night to "pack cookies to carry to school with you, and pass them out to your friends at lunchtime!" Riley took me so seriously that he even asked, "How many can I bring?" (My answer was something along the lines of "as many as you can carry...every day....until they're gone." And thank you, my Sugarplum Fairy...)

Unfortunately, Derek hasn't been able to participate in Operation...Dessert Distribution...because he evidently has been infected with some sort of...I don't know, plague-type deal. (And to his pal who kicked off this whole thing, and thus shall be called Patient know who you are...thanks a bunch for sharing, buddy! No, no, I'm kidding--you all walk around in a veritable High School petri dish every day, and you're lucky to escape relatively unscathed most of the time. Oh, and...get well soon!) Anyway, Derek's hacking cough began over the weekend, prompting me by Sunday night to decree that he would not, in fact, be attending school the next day. (How sick did he feel? He wasn't even able to muster the tiniest spark of excitement about missing classes--he simply looked up blearily from where he was curled into a ball on the couch, half-watching SportsCenter, groaned, and mumbled in agreement. Now that's a pathetic picture yeah?)

When the coughing continued unabated on Monday, he was awarded a second day off...complete with a bonus doctor visit to check if it was anything that required a prescription. NOT a traditional part of the season--thank goodness--but these things happen. Now the rest of Team WestEnders is doing everything in our power to remain virus-free...fingers and toes crossed that the illness starts and ends with (poor) Derek!

Finally, to end on a much more positive note, my office had our annual outing--an opportunity to step away from our desks, go somewhere non-work-related, and celebrate...everything! This year we patronized the Carolina Inn (a Chapel Hill institution, located on UNC's campus) for their Royal Tea, which includes an impressive assortment of luscious finger foods and, of course, a selection of flavored brews to sip. In the ornate dining room decorated with a Twelve Days of Christmas theme, we were able to unwind, nosh, and enjoy conversations that had NOTHING to do with our jobs. (And it was late afternoon, when most of my colleagues would still have been plugging away at their computers, so it felt extra-decadent--Win!)

So that about wraps up the entertainment...and such...for this week. What? It's only TUESDAY? Jeez Louise, are you sure? Well then, I'd better get some rest, because who knows what the remainder of the pre-Noel period will bring. Hopefully fewer germs...less gooberheadedness (unlikely, but one can wistfully dream, right?)...some healthy meals to offset the inevitable candy canes...and lots more tea!

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