For Husband...well, nothing much has changed, frankly.
Each morning he still logs into his company computer, conducts meetings with
his distantly-located colleagues, and appears to be engaging in business
as usual amidst the global chaos. The only thing that really differs
from his typical work-from-home experience is that whenever he steps away from
his desk...there are people around him to commune with...sort
of like his own personal catch-up-at-the-water cooler situation,
which he hasn't had since we moved to NC and he stopped driving to an office 5
days a week.
Then there's Derek, for whom this was the first week of the new "online learning" model he's going to be using for the remainder of the semester. Although details were sketchy at first, it turns out that this will involve a variety of different techniques, depending on the class. For example, he'll complete modules for Stats and Speech, at his own pace and on his own time, as long as he makes sure to submit the assignments by the deadlines the professors set. In contrast, his Chem and History instructors are incorporating an interactive component, for which he'll have to actually join a discussion or lecture at an appointed time, and participate like he would if he were on campus. Not surprisingly, given his personality, he seems to be just...rolling with it. Of course, a plethora of questions still remain, such as how they're going to handle grading...finals...advising and registering for next year's courses...completion of his last Capstone Scholarship requirements...but presumably these wrinkles will be ironed out in the weeks to come...fingers crossed...

Speaking of executive decisions and whatnot, Orange county (where we live) just today followed others in our area (Wake, Durham, etc.) and issued a Stay at Home order. Honestly, though, the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro--as well as local entities acting on their own-- had already taken measures to limit in-person shopping and congregating. Many "non-essential" establishments had gone ahead and voluntarily closed, while stores that were able had moved to a curbside pickup arrangement, and restaurants had begun offering only takeout and delivery options. So I don't think this will affect much that hasn't previously been put in place to try to keep people safe. (Except of course that no one's getting a haircut anytime soon--yikes!)

--So, first, I dug out a coloring book given to me by a former work buddy. And you know what? It was super-soothing to consider and select hues, and to fill in the lines. When I'd finished, I was startled by how long it had actually taken...but during that time, I felt both serene and entertained, so I'd call it a success.
--Next I realized there was a serious danger that I might miss out
on my favorite flower this year: tulips. You see, I never miss the
chance to make a pilgrimage to Duke Gardens and get my fill, but of course it's
closed for who knows how long. So in an extremely uncharacteristic move, I went
to a nearby nursery and purchased bulbs to plant in front of the house. Now
we'll have to see whether they can overcome both my notoriously black
thumb (I mean, I have literally NO IDEA if I even stuck
them in the ground correctly, people) and the voracious packs of deer to
bloom for me. Let's face it, the odds are definitely NOT "ever in my
favor" for this, but we'll try to stay positive for the wee buds, 'kay?

--Last but not least, since Spring has deigned to grace us with her presence, if all else fails I try to escape the house and get into nature for some much needed fresh air, movement, and appreciation of the Great Outdoors. Staying 6-feet away from all the humans, obviously...but not the trees! The warmer weather and burgeoning greenery absolutely help with my mood, and allow me to return home and treat my fellow self-isolating family members with renewed patience and good humor (Eh, mostly. This IS me we're talking about...let's just agree that we're all doing our best...)
And there you have it: the weekly report from our little corner
of Quarantine Land. I'll sign off by sending umbrella wishes out
into the universe, for everyone to stay safe and well, so we can get through
this and come out the other side. For now, peace out, peeps!
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