Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Another month bites the dust...

So, is it just me, or does it feel like we’re ending June on more of a whimper than a bang this year? Creeping toward Independence Day with stealth—like “Hey, COVID, nothing to see here, why don’t you just keep on going and leave me alone”—rather than, you know, fireworks and barbeques and pool parties and whatnot. On the bright side, it does mean that we’ve made it through another month of the pandemic, so I’m incredibly grateful for that…even if many things are still…weird.

For example, routine tasks like, say, seeing a medical professional have taken on a whole new set of rules and procedures in Corona-times. Let’s use Derek’s latest visit to illustrate. I scheduled a time for his annual physical, at which point the staff asked me the standard list of questions we’ve come to expect, about your current health, recently completed travel, known instances of possible exposure to the virus, or any red-flag symptoms you might be experiencing. (Then, because he’s over 18, they informed us they’d be contacting him the day before his appointment to go over the precautions again, just in case anything had changed.)

When we arrived for his checkup, a sign on the door of the building instructed us to call the front desk and let them know we were there. We were told to wait outside until someone called us back to indicate they were ready for us. Given the all-clear, we proceeded through the empty lobby (home to several other practices that appeared deserted), up the stairs, and into the office, where we were greeted by a thermometer-wielding nurse before being allowed to seat ourselves (gingerly, on the just-disinfected furniture).

I’m telling ya, the whole thing was pretty…surreal…including the fact that, for the first time since he was BORN, I didn’t even lay eyes on the doctor the entire time, much less get to have a conversation. (Granted, Derek is technically an adult and still going to his pediatrician, so there’s that. I did offer a long time ago to let him change, but he’s comfortable with what he knows—and who am I to shake up his world…especially now? Yeah, we’ve all got quite enough to be dealing with, I think…)

Meanwhile, in other areas of “trying to maintain a semblance of normal”, Riley recently decided that he’d like to join the cross-country squad for his final year in High School. Along with his obvious passion for running, last year was the first time he wasn’t on some kind of team, and I think he missed that to a certain degree. Although the academic term just ended a few weeks ago, this is about the time that Fall sports would authorize athletes to begin unofficial (on-your-own, without formal coaching) training.

So Riley’s been meeting a small gang of other guys for daily workouts, focusing on adapting to the double-edged sword that is heat/humidity, and building speed and stamina for eventually racing on the wooded course. We’re going to have to keep our fingers crossed, though, because like with all things in this plague-clouded period, restrictions on group sizes and gatherings could force the coaches to limit the number of participants, which would mean cuts on a team that usually accepts all comers, regardless of quickness or ability. Nothing we can do, so Riley will keep plugging away, and the rest of us are just gonna make sacrifices to the…sprinting gods, or what have you…and keep hoping for the best…

And catching up with the Department of Cancelled…Stuff, the short-lived second version of Team WestEnders’ vacation 2020 had to be scrapped, when the universities we’d hoped to tour all pretty much said, “Please stay away. Don’t step foot on our campus. No, we’re not kidding, ‘kaythanksbye.” This of course left us scrambling once more for yet another excursion, to avoid breaking our streak of family getaways. (Also, can you tell we’re hella restless? Yeeeahhhh…)

Thus we conferred amongst ourselves (the renowned Travel Committee), and concocted a Plan C, but honestly I’m not inclined to mention it ahead of time because I’m feeling incredibly superstitious right now and don’t want to risk jinxing it. (I swear, it’s a thing! For real!) So let’s just leave it at this: road trip, slightly westward, lots of hiking. Oh, and FINGERS CROSSED!

Finally, the boys and I had an actual retail encounter last week. You see, now that NC has been partially reopened for a while, it seemed safe enough to venture to the outlet mall where we usually get the boys’ sneakers. We brought masks, of course, and planned to stop by only the (2) stores where they know they’ll find what they prefer. Sounds like no big deal, right? WELL…first of all, I was horrified by the number of people wandering around without any kind of face covering whatsoever. And also, social distancing just…didn’t seem to be a thing that anyone was particularly invested in or concerned about.

Mind you, this was in the next county over--and while I'm not throwing them under the bus, or anything--I believe from my own observation that citizens in our more immediate area ARE for the most part following the guidelines and being safe. Having seen this for myself, however, it came as no surprise when the governor announced that we’d be remaining in Phase 2 for at least several more weeks. (Um, we’re not meeting ANY metrics for improvement. Like, Not. At. All. Science, dude…I’m so glad our fearless state leader trusts it and is holding his ground…) Bonus: having accomplished this trip, the guys won’t need any more footwear for some time, so whew, we’re done with THAT!

As for me, I’ll stick to much less scary jaunts to ye olde grocery store and Target-- places where they’ve demonstrated that they have the whole situation reasonably under control, and one can feel secure whilst procuring one’s food and household necessities…and…ahem…Starbucks. (It…um…helps with the shopping! Or it’s my reward for braving the fray, whatever…) And there you have it…sailing on toward July…and the latter half of 2020…gulp! Speaking of treating ourselves during this difficult time, at least we can face the next part of this ridiculous year with fruity frozen drinks and a good book outside on the deck—cheers!

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