Monday, June 22, 2020

Well, the calendar says it's Summer, so...

Ah, June…wait, it IS still June, yeah? Oh right, it must be, because we just marked the Summer Solstice this past week. Although I’ve gotta say: how meaningless is THAT designation in 2020? Don’t get me wrong, I looooove me some extra daylight to get outside and appreciate nature, but seriously, “longest day of the year”—ha! Get in line, 6/20, ‘cuz you’ve got some stiff competition…like EVERY OTHER DAY SINCE MID-MARCH, for crying out loud. Sheesh…

Okay, breezing past my mini-tantrum to the actual, you know, “updates” and whatnot. First, another calendar milestone passed with barely a blip on our collective radar. Not that it wasn’t special or that we didn’t care—but Riley’s last day of 11th grade almost escaped our notice because, well, he’s been home for months, handling his academic load completely independently, and frankly, had already finished up all of his assignments weeks ahead of time. So yeah…adios, Junior year…hola, High School Senior. (Pause: GAH! Continue…)

As for Derek, the biggest change to his daily life came when he started a new job. After a somewhat…let’s call it a “tepid search”…he ended up accepting the only offer he received, sorting packages at a warehouse for one of the big nationwide shipping companies. This was all well and good…except that they wanted him for the (brace yourself) 10-2 slot…as in p.m. to “oh good heavens are you kidding me, that’s the middle of the night”. Needless to say, he and I discussed this in-depth, because I wanted to be as sure as possible that he thought it through completely and understood the potential pitfalls inherent in keeping such a schedule for an extended period of time.

Image may contain: cloud, sky, tree, plant, outdoor and natureSpecifically, I stressed that sabotaging your natural circadian rhythms can in turn mess with some of the things that are most important to my son…namely “eating” (approximately 5 times a day) and “sleeping” (the boy does thrive on his 10 hours per night!). Of course, with the brimming confidence—and boundless energy--of the young, he assured me he’d be able to handle it. And then he actually went to work…and discovered that the 4-hour stint he’d signed up for was the norm in the era before COVID. Now, however, with people doing so much more of their shopping via the Internet, the facility is being absolutely overrun with orders, such that his crew (and presumably all the other ones as well) are having to stay much longer than planned, in an attempt to keep up with the volume.

And that’s why he’s been getting off (only when a supervisor releases him to leave) at more like 3:30 (UGH!), and crawling into bed (after driving home, showering, and scarfing a snack) around…5 a.m. (YIKES!) It’s…it’s just…NOT GOOD, y’all. Obviously we let him slumber as late as he wants, but after a week of this, he’s understandably exhausted, and coming up against exactly what I warned him about, with both his appetite and his fitness routines getting screwed up along with his rest. So, we’ll just have to see how long he’s able to keep this up…and hope that his bank account gets the nice fat boost that it needs from his first and (hopefully only) experience with the dreaded Graveyard Shift.

Next...hmm…business continued as usual for Husband, but he did get to try out the expanded version of our library’s curbside pickup service, to get some fresh reading material. Fortunately, he snagged my reserved novel as well, since the one time I’d tried to navigate the system, I encountered a line of cars backed up all the way down the lengthy driveway--and not perceptibly moving. I think we can all agree that I do NOT possess the patience required to wait out that kind of situation, so I U-turned and hightailed it out of there. (On the other hand, he reported that it was quick and easy-peasy when he went, so I guess it’s just a game of chance as to what day and/or time you show up? We shall see…)

He was also able to make an appointment to swim laps at the local YMCA where he’s a member. Apparently they’re booking every other lane in half-hour sessions, to enforce social distancing but let you get your, I don’t know….pool fix? All told, this probably represents more out-of-the-house time in the span of one week than he’s had in quite a while, so he must have been itching to go roam the Great Outdoors!

Finally, my big excitement for the week involved my bootcamp group. You see, they’ve been holding virtual meetings since April…but I honestly haven’t been attending, because the idea of working out via Skype—which I know many folks do in their regular lives, regardless of quarantine restrictions—does not, as they say, “spark joy” for me, personally.

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor and closeupBUT it was my turn to host the sweatfest, so I put together a Tabata-style thing (first testing it out on myself to see how I liked it, and then making modifications…because even with my leisure time, I’m evidently an irredeemable Type-A). Next I reviewed the instructions provided by our Fearless Leader (who’s on maternity leave with her precious baby girl—yaaay!!), created the event, emailed a reminder to members, posted in Facebook the night before….and even after following the list of directions, still stressed about whether I’d done everything correctly or forgotten anything crucial. (I mean, doesn’t my brain seem like a delight? Siiiigh….) 

Anyway, early in the morning of our online get-together I scurried about in the driveway, arranging my “tools”—exercise mat, a stool upon which to rest my laptop, and my phone for the timer. I fiddled with the camera until it was in the right position, tested the audio from my speakers, verified that I understood how to initiate the call…and having finished the preparations, commenced anxiously pacing until my health-buddies started joining. Whew--success! Then I was able to relax and happily lunge/squat/plank/crunch/pushup/etc. with my peeps. I can only imagine that, to the neighbors—and all the many walkers, runners, and bikers that passed my house during this half-hour circus—I must have appeared a bit…silly?...leaping around next to my garage and conversing with invisible friends on a screen.

Nevertheless, I found it an immensely satisfying interlude, in spite of the SUPER-HIGH FREAKING HUMIDITY--but the true reward, of course, (besides improving strength and cardiovascular ability, blah blah blah) came afterwards, when we continued on to the coffee chat portion of our activity. Personal training out of the way first thing in the morning…followed by java and catching up with pals? The very definition of a WIN/WIN, I tell ya…

And…there you have it: another week down, with everyone in Casa WestEnders so far managing to avoid the monster virus and maintain their sanity as best we can. Now whattya say we get out there—perhaps with one of those carefully selected books…and some ice cream to combat the swelter--and bask in those sunny Summer hours, while they last…whoo hoo!

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