Friday, March 13, 2009

Blasts from the Past

My old high school opened its doors to visitors on a weekend last summer, right before it was scheduled to be demolished. Former students and teachers were invited to come bid farewell to the place. Roaming through the hallways, opening lockers, and peering into classrooms brought me wave after wave of nostalgia. Yet I found myself looking over my shoulder every few feet, craning my neck to try and spot classmates from way back when. Without buddies to swap stories with, the "stroll down memory lane" was really just a walk through a rather dark, dingy, tired old building. Fast forward to the present. Recently a few familiar faces from bygone middle and high school years have popped into my life on Facebook. So on a whim one day I dug up and posted old photos I had taken from that era (who let me loose in school with a camera, and why I wasn't in class, has yet to be answered). Oh. My. Goodness. I never imagined the tidal wave of response that would ensue! Suddenly, people from my past are springing up like dandelions (but in a good way : ). Remember the old shampoo commercial "they'll tell 2 friends, and they'll tell 2 friends, and so on..." It's one thing relating (edited) tales to your kids. It's quite another to throw real stories back and forth, with a group of old pals helping to kick in teachers' names, students' shenanigans, and other silly details. As kids who just grabbed onto the beginning of the "computer age", we certainly have come a long way, mastering the cyber-reunion and online reminiscing! As I get older, I'm finding it even more fun to look back at "where I came from". So to all my newly-rediscovered, old friends, keep it coming!

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