Monday, November 22, 2010

Gratitude, with a little attitude

Well, here we are facing down Thanksgiving once more, that cherished day of family get-togethers, gratefulness and gluttony. (Not to sound like a broken record, but where the HECK did November go already? Wasn't it just Halloween, like yesterday? I swear I'm in my own little time warp, where I inexplicably misplace weeks out of my life, then wake up one day wondering what happened. Without looking at a calendar, I could not tell you whether it was the 1st, the 15th or the--gulp--22nd? What the...see what I mean?)

Anyway, it's time to reflect on all the blessings in our lives, and remember the many reasons we have to be thankful. Without further ado, my own personal Top 10 List (Official Disclaimer: this is not meant to be comprehensive; it is limited NOT because these are the only things I could think of, but to keep me from rambling on and I have been known to do...)

1. Family--the parents who raised me, the sister who knows me better than anyone else on the planet (and yet still likes me somehow : ), the brother I used to torment and tease--oh wait, I still do that. Quite simply, they helped make me the person I am today, so blame them...I mean "thanks, beloved family!"

2. "My boys"--an easygoing, good-natured husband who puts up with me (even though I'm positive that I'm frequently difficult to get along with!) and two sons who are growing into unique, interesting, often hilarious little men. All the testosterone around here can be overwhelming at times, but as long as I get to be the Queen, it works for me!

3. Particularly this year, with the economic hard times and natural disasters that the world has endured, I am especially grateful to have food, shelter, and clothing.

4. Bonus: both Husband and I have jobs...EXTRA Bonus: we actually enjoy our work. It is a privilege to get paid to do something you love, and sometimes I have to remind myself not to take that for granted.

5. Friends--some who've known me for decades, some I've met through kids' school or activities, or my job. All of them provide me with laughter, support, advice, and their own special way of looking at things. They open my eyes, broaden my horizons, and make life a heck of a lot more fun!

6. Okay, that's enough of the "serious stuff", right? Now on to some of the things that add sugar and spice to life...such as chocolate. Hot chocolate, Dove chocolates, chocolate chip cookies, Ghirardelli brownies, Hershey's Special Dark bars...give me some chocolate every day, and I'm a happy girl!

7. Music--ask my children how much I enjoy belting out a tune at the top of my lungs (just don't ask them how much they wish I'd stop, though!) And while we're at it: thank goodness for Glee!

8. hour under a blanket in a quiet house, with my lavender-scented eye-thingy blocking out all the light, and I feel like a brand new person (one who's not cranky and growly and unpleasant to be around).

9. Books--reading has always been my Great Escape. Some of my earliest memories include times when, implored by my desperate mother to "go outside and get some fresh air", I would take a book with me and sit on the lawn in the sunshine, lost in another time and place. Getting completely immersed in a story is still one of my most treasured pastimes.

10. Computers! As I sit typing on my laptop, taking breaks to check email or update my Facebook status ("still cranking out my blog...experiencing writer's block...back soon!"), I marvel at the way technology has shaped our lives. Derek asks me a question I'm not sure how to answer; we Google it (and cross-check our sources, of course...ha!). We missed the O's game last tells us instantly how it turned out (although this is probably a case of "ignorance is bliss"). A friend wants to show her kids an old photo of us from college--I scan and email it to her (well, depending on exactly how embarrassing/unflattering it is). Endless access to information, endless opportunities to stay in touch with loved ones.

And on that note, time to get myself some chocolate milk, turn on some music, and curl up with a good book! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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