Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We need a *Wintervention*!

Well, I wish I could say that so much has changed since I last wrote (2 whole days ago--my, how time flies when you're...sitting with your eyes tightly scrunched closed, wishing yourself to Tahiti!). But (heavy sigh) it's still cold, and still blustery (in other words: still January). Oh wait, there IS something different: now we have a light covering of crystallized snow on the ground as well. Thus far, the major Winter Whiteness has barely missed us by a hair each time (knocking wood!), unlike last year, when it seemed we got absolutely buried every time a meteorologist even mentioned snowflakes in the forecast. So I guess I should be breathing a sigh of relief...and maybe I will, when the kids go off to school. Riley dutifully slept with a spoon under his pillow last night, but his offering got us just enough of a dusting to delay schools by 2 hours and cancel my first dance class of the new session (big GRRR on that one--nothing chases the Winter Blues like shaking one's...everything!)  (And by the way, can someone tell me just where that silly superstition came from? The Snow Spirits are a little short on silverware up there in the clouds? They're having trouble eating their ice cream? What?) Derek emerged from his room this morning blinking and yawning (like an owl...or a pre-teenager) and promptly greeted me with, "Hi, Mom; will you tell me what I want to hear, or will you suffer my wrath?" (Fortunately, the "wrath" of a 10-year old apparently consists of a big cheesy grin and a hug...even when I told him he had to go to school after all.)

Fortunately, I did the Proactive Mom thing yesterday, and made my 2-or-3-or-4-times-a-week supermarket run. (You'd think I'd have the whole "shopping for a family of 4" thing down to a science by now, right? Yet somehow I get my best dinner or snack ideas AFTER I've left the store. Or I just...forget stuff.) I, of course, had my normal list (FOOD, and lots of it!). But I had to contend with the "Oh no a storm is coming and we may never get out of our driveway or see the inside of a store again!" crowd. You know the ones, stocking their carts with all the available bread, milk, and toilet paper. (As if the rest of us don't have to eat, drink, well. Jeesh!) At least it was better than the dreaded alternative: taking the boys with me! (cue spooky music and horror movie scream--trust me, it's that bad!)

And now, I get to spend my shortened quiet kid-less hours waiting for the Handyman to arrive. But I don't mind in the least, as he will be performing a critical, lifesaving service for us--installing the new humidifier on the furnace. If you think I may be overstating the importance of this job, or its impact on our family and home, consider this: it's so freaking dry in here, I shock myself--ON THE WATER STREAM--when I wash my hands. Last night when I tried to kiss Derek goodnight, I zapped his head and my lips, and actually saw a spark (That can not be healthy!). Our new fancy-schmancy thermometer that sits on top of the fridge has an honest-to-goodness sad face icon next to the indoor humidity level. You know how you always hear "dry heat is better"? Well, let me tell you, "dry cold"? Not so much!

So, that's the report from the Snowy Desert that is our house right least I can say we have plenty of food!

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