Well, it's time again for that most American of holidays, when we honor two of the greatest leaders our nation has ever known. And how do we show respect and admiration for the Father of our Country, and the man who guided us through the perilous Civil War years? With the traditional Presidents' Day sales, and a 3-day weekend, of course! For me, the Day of Prezzes (as we call it in the hood...not really, but feel free to start a trend) has another, more personal significance. It was on the George-and-Abe Weekend in 1995 that Husband and I began dating (I know: awwww). Forgive me while I wax nostalgic for a moment over that giddy bygone era, when we had the extra time off to do whatever we darn well pleased...which typically might include such scandalous activities as: sleeping in, lingering over a leisurely breakfast, doing some hiking or skiing, then finishing the day with a dinner date.
Oh, how things have changed in the last 16 years...now of course we have a family, and more responsibilities, and agendas--all of which tend to spill over the Weekend Boundaries. Therefore, "sleeping in" means burying your head under the blankets in an attempt to ignore the kids when they wake up and start discussing International Soccer at 7:30 a.m. "Leisurely breakfast" translates to "toasting and buttering a bagel" instead of munching the usual bowl of cold cereal. And "dinner date"? Hahahahahahaha! (We'll revisit this in 2 more short years, when the boys are--hopefully--old enough to be trusted to stay home alone for a few hours...presumably without doing irreversible harm to body or property.) Fortunately, though, one of the scheduled events this past Saturday was my nephew's birthday party. Because really, no matter how tired you might be, or how many items you still have left to do on your Must Get It Done Today List, it's all good when there's pizza and cake. On Sunday, the excitement continued at a blistering pace, I tell ya, as we all struggled to recover from the Social Overload, the Sugar High, and the Carb Coma. We were spared any crazy plans, since Derek had to do some work on his first ever Research Project for school. Yes, thank goodness we had to visit the Library--a quiet, sedate outing was exactly our speed.
Nowadays, the funny thing about this particular holiday is that Husband has to work on Monday anyway (his company apparently just isn't all that jazzed about dead Presidents), but schools are closed. So we've replaced Special Couple Time with Routine Mom-and-Boys Time. And how are we planning to use our Bonus Day of Togetherness? Well, first we get to pop by the Orthodontist for Derek's checkup (he's so very not thrilled to be doing this on his day off, but I reminded him that at least he doesn't have wooden dentures like George, right?) Then I'm dragging them to the shoe store to replace their filthy, dilapidated sneaks. Yeah, the potential for Mother/Son Bonding is not going to be very high, I'm afraid! Oh, and I'm also marching them to Costco to pick up a few things...wait, they have pizza at Costco, don't they...and if they happen to be giving away free samples of cake, it could be a memorable Presidential Birthday Errand after all! (I think General Washington and Mr. Lincoln would approve, don't you?) So here's wishing everyone a happy February Vacation Day--or whatever!
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