Sunday, October 30, 2011

Memo to Me...

It's pretty obvious to anyone who's known me for more than about, oh, 5 minutes or so, that I'm a person who thrives on order and organization to help me manage my life. I set up detailed plans, I arrange tightly-run schedules, I write extensive notes and keep lengthy to-do lists. And we all know (since I've run on and on about my obsession with "techie toys") how much I enjoy using my electronic devices...for various purposes (Hey, flinging fierce birds at obnoxious pigs is a fantastic substitute for, say, yelling at inconsiderate drivers, right? Although not while driving...but you know what I mean...) However, it recently came to my attention while chatting with other moms at Riley's soccer practice, how much a citizen of Low-Tech-Land I still actually am when it comes to running my day-to-day agenda. One mother was lamenting about how when she downloaded the latest iPhone Operating System, it somehow dredged up deleted appointments from months ago and added them back into her online calendar, causing her great consternation as she struggled to disentangle the mixed-up entries. (Buy Halloween candy? You bet. Prep for Easter dinner? Not so much...) She declared that until she got the computer mess sorted out, she would revert to carrying around...a Planner Book--and at this point she held it up sheepishly, as though expecting the rest of us to ridicule her backwards attitude or mock her hopeless inability to master modern conveniences. (We did neither of these things, of course, but rather nodded knowingly and made sympathetic noises. Supportive Soccer Socializers, we are!)

Then she turned to me and asked, "How do you keep track of things?" Well you see, I utilize the very latest method...I mean, for me, only the most up-to-date type of system will do...oh, forget it. The truth is: I don't bother to maintain (or carry with me) an electronic record of mine or my family's schedule. Furthermore (since I've already started making embarrassing admissions, what the heck) at home I jot actual pen-and-paper memos to myself (crossing items off when completed, extremely satisfying). And lastly (go for the big finish, they're not gaping at you like you're an irredeemable idiot...yet) I have our Master Calendar on the wall by the refrigerator (yes, a paper one...hung on a nail, very Old School) on which I record everyone's color-coded activities and appointments (Riley= purple, Derek=green, Mom=red, Dad=blue, Family=orange, in case anyone's wondering...just how big of a Dork I you know...) NOW all of the other Moms behaved the way you might treat a crazy person who's spouting nonsense: they nodded and smiled in a politely neutral way (while carefully avoiding eye contact, as though that might spark me to do something wild and maybe ask to borrow a pen or something.)

And I realize that my strategy--while adorably "retro" and admirably impervious to computer-glitches-- has its drawbacks. Like when I'm leaving the Orthodontist's office, and can't set up Derek's next appointment until I get home and flip the page to check next month's availability. Or the days I find myself with an unexpected chunk of free time, enough to accomplish an errand or two, and my shopping list sits on the kitchen counter instead of on my phone. Speaking of which, it just occurred to me a few weeks I searched my work-tote for a scrap of paper to scribble a reminder to myself...that THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT! DUUUUHHHH! (How long did that take for me to figure out? Mortifying!) So I downloaded a Virtual Notebook and have tried to foster the habit of typing temporary memory-joggers (just until I get the ink-and-paper copy, of course). But I realized I may have truly embraced the online notetaking experience when I pulled my phone out...on a Soccer "write down" goals and assists during Derek's team's high-scoring game. Yeah, that's right, I'm a Soccer Mom in the 21st Century! (And yes, I do want a cookie...and also a "Great Job" written in red, on the wall calendar!)

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