Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolutions

This year, I think I'll be extra-ambitious, and try to improve not only myself, but my family members as well! So, here are the goals for my clan:
--Lazy-Tub-of-Lard-Fuzzball (AKA "Cat"): will get some exercise, refrain from eating lint/leaves/dirt off the carpet, and cease puking in the basement after eating said items.
--Nutball Chatterbox (AKA "Younger Son"): will lose his fascination with potty-words...but hopefully not move on to something worse!
--Sporto-Boy (AKA "Older Son"): will own a pair of pants for more than a month, without shredding the knees from throwing himself repeatedly on the ground playing football/baseball/anything with a ball.
--Man of the House (AKA "Husband"): will develop the ability to notice closet doors that he himself has opened, and to shut them! Also, his newly heightened senses will extend to perceiving and wiping up crumbs on the counters!
--the Queen: will actively seek new ways to curb (mostly self-imposed) stress, and to meet challenges and annoyances with more patience and grace. And whatever life brings in 2009, I will strive to cultivate a positive attitude (especially while chasing the cat, penalizing the potty-mouth, patching the pants, closing the closets, and clearing the crumbs!)

Happy 2009!

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